History is a pack of lies about events that NEVER HAPPENED told by PEOPLE who weren't there.

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What I'm interested in doing in a story is bringing certain different languages, PEOPLE, events TOGETHER and then letting the READER make what he WANTS of it.

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Not being ABLE to GOVERN EVENTS, I govern myself.

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I consider EARLY CHILDHOOD events as most essential to a MAN's scientific and philosophical DEVELOPMENT.

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It is inappropriate to DISCUSS MATTERS of business, pleasure or CURRENT events in the temple.

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Now I can do no more. We must trust to the GREAT Disposer of all EVENTS and the JUSTICE of our cause. I thank GOD for this OPPORTUNITY of doing my duty.

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BIRTH and death are the most SINGULAR events we EXPERIENCE - and the CONTEMPLATION of death, as of birth, should be a thing of beauty, not ignobility.
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Since 1775, when the FIRST Continental Congress called for a national day of PRAYER, there have been such events called for by almost EVERY President. I saw the FIGURES - 34 out of 44 Presidents have called for a national day of prayer. Some of those who didn't have DIED in office.

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The HISTORY of thought, of knowledge, of philosophy, of literature SEEMS to be SEEKING, and discovering, more and more discontinuities, whereas history itself appears to be abandoning the irruption of EVENTS in favor of stable structures.

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Once you begin to EXPLAIN or EXCUSE all EVENTS on racial grounds, you begin to indulge in the perilous mythology of race.

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In spacetime, all EVENTS are baked TOGETHER: a four-dimensional continuum. Past and future are no more PRIVILEGED than left and right or up and down.

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Tim sends me a fairly ambitious workup in notebook FORM noting the passages we're going to cover and the chronology of the biblical EVENTS, and his commentaries on those THINGS he's read and WRITTEN.

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My best tip: Create re-occurring calendar events for your EXERCISE TIMES. When a conflict arises, it forces you to consciously choose WORK over exercise, and often you'll FIND you have time for both.

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It is madness to MAKE fortune the MISTRESS of EVENTS, because by herself she is nothing and is RULED by PRUDENCE.

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The CHALLENGE with SXSW and events like it is it's so big and overwhelming, it's EASY to GET lost in the crowd.

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