History is full of EXAMPLES of PEOPLE who clamp down after they BEGAN to enjoy too much freedom. Freedom can lead to instability, ANARCHY, and confusion. So there can be a moral counter-revolution.

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Sinn Fein has productively taken the example of SOUTH Africa and, as we DEVELOP the peace process, we CONTINUE to use EXAMPLES from South Africa.

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The public is GOING to be looking for examples of immaturity or inexperience or whatever it MIGHT be, but I THINK that's where we have to PROVE what we're capable of doing from a policy standpoint and from a leadership standpoint.

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I'm INTERESTED in asking: 'What does feminine energy mean?' I don't have ANSWERS - I just have QUESTIONS and interesting examples.

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Fact CHECK: The EXAMPLES of FAILED SOCIALISM that critics use are not socialist democracies but authoritarian states led by corrupt, ruthless, and paranoid dictators.

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Major RELIGIONS are examples of 'noble LIES' aimed at UPLIFTING HUMAN stature.

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Terry Gilliam has directed some of the BEST examples of what I LIKE to see in a FILM - one of them being 'Baron Munchausen.'

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If you only have 10 EXAMPLES of something, it's GOING to be hard to MAKE DEEP learning work. If you have 100,000 things you care about, records or whatever, that's the KIND of scale where you should really start thinking about these kinds of techniques.

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There are many examples in our HISTORY of overheated rhetoric LEADING to fear and prejudice and government overreach. My own grandfather, a sociologist, was dragged in front of the House Un-AMERICAN Activities Committee. He said he wasn't a Communist and explained that American Negroes were patriots LIKE everyone else.

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Being in France MEANS that I am SURROUNDED by EXAMPLES of nationalised services that work.

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My GOAL is that a girl will watch 'The Martian' or 'Interstellar' and think, 'I want to be an astronaut or a quantum physicist.' It's important to show POWERFUL WOMEN who are good at their jobs because young girls need those examples.

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The past is full of examples of renegade writers who were OVERLOOKED in their TIME not only because their work didn't FIT neatly into potted CATEGORIES but also because they AVOIDED the self-promotional efforts of their peers.

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The UN Commission on Human RIGHTS, WHOSE membership in recent YEARS has included countries - such as Libya and Sudan - which have deplorable human rights records, and the recent Oil-for-Food SCANDAL, are just a few examples of why reform is so imperative.

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POP music I have ALWAYS LOVED BEST. But the more extreme, fascist-led examples of the music business I tend to detest the most.

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RAFT Point is AMONG the greatest examples of ANCIENT indigenous ART we know of.

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