A talented executive whose interests are aligned with the FIRM's and is CONFIDENT in her role will always recruit STARS who exceed herself in VARIOUS WAYS, but one who is worried about her value to the firm will not.

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Capital is taxed MUCH LESS than labour; subsidies GOING to capital, the rich, and middle-income earners greatly exceed the benefits going to the precariat and underclass.

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When you GET these franchises with some BUILT in profiles and ANTICIPATION... I THINK the anticipation and the buildup can can exceed the DELIVERY.

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I don't want to be in this sport just to participate. I want to be in this to WIN, and that's what motivates me EVERY day to BREAK down barriers and to GET better every time and to exceed my limits and to win fights.

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If you're FORTUNATE, you'll MEET PEOPLE over the course of your CAREER who exceed your expectations in every way. When you work or spend time with them, you find yourself wanting to be a better person.

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No MATTER what, the ENTREPRENEUR must STRIVE to be above average and, at the same time, understand what is driving those averages they are seeking to BEAT. Take the time to understand and test the metrics you are using, and then you can not only set the average, you can exceed it.

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In NEW Classical theory, periods of declining EMPLOYMENT - BUSINESS cycle downturns - may be caused by an unexpected decline in aggregate DEMAND, which leaves workers mistakenly holding out for nominal wages that exceed the new market-clearing level.

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