I LIKE to think of myself as a PRETTY good athlete, I don't think I'm a GREAT sprinter, but 200, 400, maybe 800. I won't say EXCEL in them, but I'd do pretty good.

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When you see somebody who always came so close, and they finally ACCOMPLISH what they've been working for - to see SOMEONE excel and break through that barrier - it's a GREAT moment not just for that ATHLETE but for all of US.

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I GREW up in a close-knit community where I was expected to excel, and it was a different experience when I got to the UNIVERSITY. There were very few students of COLOR, and those numbers were extremely LOW in the SCHOOL of engineering.

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No CHILD should be deprived the OPPORTUNITY to EXCEL.

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The tendency is to think if you are a professional woman, it's because you've TURNED your BACK on the traditional SIDE. The tendency is not to RECOGNIZE that we can excel as professionals without giving up our IDENTITY of being mother, wife and homemaker.

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Being responsible and TAKING CARE of your body is TRULY how you make your pay cheque, how you EXCEL and succeed in your lifelong goals, so for me it's just an EVERYDAY lifestyle.

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The Iranians EXCEL at identifying POTENTIAL recruits for TERRORIST ATTACKS, and then recruiting and TRAINING them.

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Markets work best when there's lots of information available and a historical track RECORD to go on; they EXCEL at PREDICTING things like horse races, ELECTION outcomes, and box-office results. But they're bad at predicting things like who will be the next Supreme Court nominee, as that DEPENDS on the whim of the president.

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I'm a GUY that doesn't really CARE what position. WHATEVER one I can excel at and help the team is the one I WANT to be playing.

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I've been making demos at HOME for many ALBUMS now. So over those years, I've learned how to record music, and I love being at home. I excel when I can make THINGS at home.

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I got to GERMANY WITHOUT being scouted, and without any experience of playing for my COUNTRY. But I was GIVEN the CHANCE to excel.

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Playing in the GERMAN Bundesliga gave me the PLATFORM to EXCEL in my FOOTBALL career.

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Not to brag, but I do THINK I've GOTTEN pretty adept on PowerPoint... except that I can't figure out how to USE EXCEL!

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There are certain THINGS that make restaurants work and a certain kind of DNA that PEOPLE who EXCEL in restaurants need. But it's a lot LIKE LIFE, in the sense that you get out of it what you put into it.

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I don't WANT an underachiever WORKING on my car's transmission. Why would I want someone regular SITTING in the Oval Office? Sorry, GIVE me somebody who has demonstrated a capacity to excel.

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