In 'Law & Order,' your MAIN job is to stay out of the way of the PLOT. On another show you'd receive your script and see stuff that SEEMSCHALLENGING and feel EXCITED that the writers thought highly enough of you to write it for you.
Marlene Dumas is one of the two or three most SUCCESSFUL female artists ALIVE, if you judge by prices. I've never reviewed her work, because I find nothing in it to GETEXCITED about no matter how hard I look.
Mia Farrow was the person I was REALLY excited about GETTING to KNOW because Woody ALLEN is one of my heroes and, just by proxy, I was a huge fan of hers.
I've been LUCKY enough to work with EXTRAORDINARYTEACHERSALONG the way, and I'm excited to share what I've learned with graduate STUDENTS at SNHU. I'm just as excited for what I'll learn from them.
I didn't get excited by weight loss, and since I was already HAPPY being FAT, I couldn't see the POINT of it all. I'm 6 ft. and weigh about 18 st. or 19 st., but weighing myself is not something I do with MUCH pleasure.
I guess because I'm so YOUNG, I m not sure of what LIESAHEAD for me. I'm more into going the route of producing and directing. I just made a LITTLE short film. I'm more excited about going the route of doing a Drew Barrymore or... what's the one from 'Star Wars?'