When THINGS are GOING WELL, everyone's coming into training, having a LOT of banter and joking about and enjoying things, and when you are not, it's not that feeling, because the expectation level is to WIN.

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When I first CAME to CHELSEA, I realised there is an expectation on everybody here and history proved that this CLUB WINS trophies. I wanted to be a part of that. Thankfully, I've worked hard, got in the TEAM and I've played my part.

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It's always TOUGH when you beat your EXPECTATION and you WIN 48, 49 GAMES and you expect the next YEAR to win 50, 55 games.

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SOMETHING new has the chance to SPEAK to someone immediately. There isn't this expectation of what they're about to HEAR, so people can be REALLY captivated, really quickly.
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I FEEL LIKE when I look back at my CAREER I've always DONE better and I've always been happier when there's more EXPECTATION and more pressure.

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I know NOBODY likes PRACTICE, nobody enjoys it, but you have to build some TYPE of excitement and expectation and learn SOMETHING.

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When you expect SOMETHING, there's also a CERTAIN FEAR about WHETHER or not that expectation will be fulfilled.

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I've probably exceeded every expectation I had for myself, GOING into my rookie YEAR of what my NFL CAREER WOULD be.

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It HAPPENS so QUICK. You lose a GAME; you lose another game; it's a WORLD Cup; media scrutiny; public expectation, and then you almost go into sort of survival mode. We've all been there.

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When you are GETTING to No. 1 you're ALWAYS chasing a DREAM. And then when you're there your focus CHANGES because the expectation to DEFEND that title is massive.

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I'm not being asked to conform to some PRIOR EXPECTATION of what a CONGRESS MEMBER is, but I'm just GETTING to be me.

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When I got traded to the Raptors Kyle Lowry told me, 'We EXPECT you to AVERAGE 15 points a game off the BENCH.' And I said, 'Perfect, so you need me here.' And that made me feel wanted. So once he PUT that expectation on me, it just made everything fall into place.

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Once you START going out putting expectation levels on yourself, you LOSE the concept of trying to WIN the GAME.

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I don't feel any more PRESSURE or expectation because I'm CAPTAIN. I WANT to WIN.

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