We're all CONCERNED about sports rights being so expensive. Obviously, we are funded by the licence fee payers, so it's not ALWAYS easy to compete with those who can get greater REVENUE.

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ANGER is an expensive luxury in which only men of CERTAIN INCOME can INDULGE.

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I've always ENJOYED drinking wine, ever since I was in COLLEGE. My appreciation really took off when I began to VISIT Napa. I was toying with an idea of MAKING wine in Napa, but it's prohibitively expensive, and the competition is FIERCE.

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Justice is expensive in America. There are no FREE Passes... You MIGHT want to remember this, the next time you get CARELESS and BLOW off a few PARKING Tickets. They will come back to haunt you the next time you see a Cop car in your rear-view mirror.

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CLOTHES are EXPENSIVE. You have to BUY them, and to buy them, you have to BELIEVE in them.

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With climate change, we are living on BORROWED TIME. If we do not ADDRESS these issues TODAY, it is going to be MUCH more expensive later on, and that is why we need to take action now.

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I don't have huge bank accounts. I'd love one. But it wouldn't change much. I don't have any expensive habits. I'm not a CAR collector or any of that NONSENSE. But I'd love to be INCREDIBLY WEALTHY for no reason at all.

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To me, you make a tradeoff. It might be a LITTLE bit more expensive. But you're getting a better tasting, higher QUALITY FOOD that's GOING to be better for your health and better for the environment.

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The future, according to some SCIENTISTS, will be EXACTLY like the past, only FAR more EXPENSIVE.

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My beloved dog defied TREATMENT from the best and most expensive veterinarians, holistic practitioners, trainers, and ANIMAL communicators. He was SIMPLY BEYOND my ability to REPAIR or control.

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A soulmate is someone who you could spend a GREAT DEAL of TIME with just sitting on a sofa and feel HAPPY. You don't need fanfare. You don't need to go out to EXPENSIVE restaurants.

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I'm not a big spender or shopper. NEITHER am I extravagant, nor do I have big expenses. I mainly SPEND on travel. I don't BUY overpriced clothes, as I FEEL such expenses are unnecessary. I probably wouldn't buy expensive watches or jewellery EITHER.

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With the Australian Government PAYING more of the HOSPITAL bills, it will have the incentive to MAKE sure people are treated through less expensive and more appropriate PRIMARY care services.

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It's too expensive, that's the thing NOBODY WANTS to talk about. It is too expensive to MAKE movies. That's not true, it is too expensive to market movies. Making movies is not.

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You can have 10 bucks to 10 million bucks and if you got a crew, IMAGINATION and a lot of people willing to turn in some work next to nothing, you going to have a FEATURE. But you can't get BEYOND how EXPENSIVE MARKETING the movie is, it's so crushing.

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