CHARACTER is DETERMINED more by the LACK of CERTAIN EXPERIENCES than by those one has had.
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I wouldn't TRADE the experiences I've had over the past 36 YEARS for ANYTHING.

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We don't want to MAKE the same MISTAKES twice, THOUGH I TEND to take the positives from past experiences, even UNHAPPY ones.

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Families, community leaders, and others must CREATE the public will to address the challenges FACING BLACK GIRLS and other girls of color as well by LISTENING to them, valuing their experiences, and becoming actively involved in creating policies and innovative programs that promote their well-being.

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Generation Alpha has very DIFFERENT expectations for the ENTIRE world. Everything that's going to happen in their LIVES needs to be visual, on DEMAND, adaptive, in demand, and we have to find a way to embed that into our toy EXPERIENCES.

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College isn't in everyone's hearts. I am LIVING proof, though, that SCHOOL doesn't mess up your PLANS. It gives you more experiences to write about.

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One of the things I TOOK from my wartime experiences was that reality was a STAGE set... the comfortable day-to-day LIFE, school, the home where one lives and all the REST of it... could be dismantled OVERNIGHT.

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I WORKED as long in a FISH and chip SHOP as I did in Parliament. I've had particular EXPERIENCES in POLITICS, but they're not my only ones, and they're not the ones that defined me.

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I was in SPAIN, with Mallorca and Getafe, which were EXCEPTIONAL EXPERIENCES.

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It is a process of discovery. It's being QUIET ENOUGH and undisturbed enough for a period of time so that the SONGS can BEGIN to sort of peek out, and you begin to have emotional experiences in a musical WAY.

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The PERSON who has LIVED the most is not the one with the most YEARS but the one with the RICHEST EXPERIENCES.

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I SAIL to HAWAII and back a lot, and it SOMETIMES involves very terrifying EXPERIENCES. And you have to keep yourself from BECOMING panicky.

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Most open-mic EXPERIENCES I had were OKAY.

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The more time PASSES in your LIFE, I THINK the greater you understand perspective. So I'm happy that I've had experiences that have reminded me that most exciting THINGS might not feel so exciting later, and the most disappointing things might not be so disappointing later, EITHER.

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