MIRACLES, in the sense of phenomena we cannot EXPLAIN, surround US on every hand: LIFE itself is the miracle of miracles.
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I used to do improv in NEW York, and it was sort of EMBARRASSING to tell people that I was the Web VIDEO GIRL and having to explain that was a viable form of entertainment.

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For a LONG TIME now, movie characters have GENERALLY been articulate, EVEN chatty. Call it the influence of Woody Allen, but we have become used to characters who are well ABLE to explain themselves to others.

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JOURNALISM: A profession WHOSE business is to explain to OTHERS what it personally does not understand.
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I HATE exposition and superfluous DIALOGUE. I hate when dialogue is TRYING to EXPLAIN or patronize or finger-point.

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Every POSITION is difficult, but you're ALWAYS involved in the biggest chances of the OPPONENT; when there's a goal, you're always involved. It's difficult to explain, but this is the importance of the goalkeeper: he's always concentrated, even if he's not running as much as other players. He always needs to be FOCUSED.

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The experience of getting my Kriya, which is the meditation process that I do, was very POWERFUL for me - though, as I EXPLAIN in the book, I was REALLY SUSPECT of that kind of thing.

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I STILL MAKE mistakes today - I ALWAYS explain to people, when you will make as many mistakes as I did, then you will know as MUCH as I know in my PROFESSION.

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Every time SOMEONE TRIED to explain to me there are LIMITS to what one man can do, I pointed to the boundless sky and said, 'There is the LIMIT'.

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I can't properly EXPLAIN it, but I don't mind ADMITTING I suffered a breakdown.

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I suppose I'm always trying to break down the wall between my CHARACTERS and myself. I'm trying to make the film as EXPRESSIVE and PERSONAL as I can, even if I can't explain, for example, how important it is for me to be JEWISH.

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There are so few BOOKS for LITTLE KIDS that ACTUALLY mention the word transgender and EXPLAIN what it is in simple terms.

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It is a mania shared by PHILOSOPHERS of all ages to deny what EXISTS and to explain what does not EXIST.

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When I see people with an interesting GAP year, if they can explain it, if they can JUSTIFY it, if they can SHOW what they've LEARNT from it, it's sometimes more profitable or more INTELLIGENT than having been through a traditional, continuous race from high school to the end of university.

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I dunno... I feel out of step. MUSICALLY. Just out of step, not even BEHIND or ahead. Just SORT of like... I dunno, sometimes I feel like I'm still... just not... in sync. I don't know how to EXPLAIN it. I just am.

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