Golf is a game to me. Other players work extremely HARD all year long. I work hard before Augusta. I KNOW I get GOOD results when I PRACTICE, but it also wears me out. It literally wore me out even when I was in my 20s.

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Being an actor is a GOOD way to EARN a living. And to meet fabulous people. It's great to live very comfortably. I've been lucky, I've had a lot of fun with great roles, but it is true that if I were extremely rich, I WOULD stop and I would GO to play football on a beach in the Caribbean with my children.

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My worst habit is probably that I'm extremely MESSY. I'm a BIG scatter-brain - I'm always LOSING my car keys, or worse, FORGETTING where I parked my car in the car park.

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YOUNGER SCIENTISTS are EXTREMELY SENSITIVE to the MORAL implications of all they do.

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I'm a SENSITIVE, sensitive PERSON. Overly sensitive. EXTREMELY EMOTIONAL.

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I've had to LEARN how to listen to my body over the years and figure out how it all works TOGETHER. I'm not invincible, so focusing on training my WHOLE body and injury prevention have been extremely IMPORTANT.

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I think PAIN is a very - it's an EXTREMELY hard THING to empathize moment to moment. And you often don't remember your own pain, you know, that moment that you broke a limb or you burned yourself or, I think, this is a common thing that women talk about with childbirth, that the memory of the pain is hard to summon up and relive, thankfully.

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For PEOPLE who are really TALENTED, what you don't say becomes extremely important. You have to JUDGE what to say and what to leave alone so you can let the talent develop.

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WRITERS have told me more than once that I'm a better INTERVIEW in DEFEAT than in victory, which is a compliment I am extremely proud of.

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Ireland, Italy and BRAZIL are the most musical PLACES for me. They're extremely musical cultures and ANYTHING you pitch they basically catch.

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I spend most of every DAY writing. I LIKE to WRITE every day if I can. I don't start EXTREMELY early.

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The artist is extremely lucky who is PRESENTED with the WORST possible ordeal which will not actually kill him. At that point, he's in BUSINESS.

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You've had an EXTREMELY weak euro on the foreign exchange markets, you've had a very dubious POLICY being FOLLOWED.

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