I FAILED PUBLIC speaking in GRADE school, 'cause I was so nervous and SCARED.

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You cannot underestimate people's ability to spot a soulless, bureaucratic tactic a million miles AWAY. It's a big reason why so many COMPANIES that have dipped a toe in SOCIAL MEDIA waters have failed miserably.

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I didn't want 'Hotel Transylvania' to be the nail in the coffin for cartoony animation. Because if the MOVIE FAILED, I could SEE PEOPLE blaming that aspect of it. I was really nervous about that.

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Let US face it, the U.N. has failed. It has failed in its mission to promote WORLD peace.

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I THINK there were early critics who WANTED us to change the world because the SEX Pistols failed.

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Bangkok is infamously mired in lurid CONTRADICTION, but it's also a city of subtle and distorted MOODS that journalism and FILM have hitherto mostly failed to capture.

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OBVIOUSLY, I BELIEVE that Rahm Emanuel's LEADERSHIP has failed. Obviously, I believe we need CHANGE.

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Even if the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES had intended to recognize slavery, as a constitutional state institution, such intended recognition would have failed of effect, and been legally void, because slavery then had no constitutional existence to be RECOGNIZED.

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Never underestimate the ability of political LEADERS to misread HISTORY on a MONUMENTAL scale. The invasions of IRAQ and Afghanistan have both served to hasten WESTERN decline: they have both failed to achieve their objectives and in the process demonstrated an underlying western impotence.

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He who has NEVER FAILED SOMEWHERE, that MAN can not be GREAT.

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I almost failed out of high SCHOOL. I nearly gave in to the deep ANGER and RESENTMENT harbored by everyone around me... Whatever TALENTS I have, I almost squandered until a handful of loving people rescued me.

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The most depressing PART of the 2016 election is that the candidates often failed to SHOW any cultural LEADERSHIP: any recognition that the world of public policy was IMPORTANT but hardly the only good and necessary part of our shared SOCIETY.

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In EARLY CHURCH polemics, Jews are deemed no longer worthy of their own SCRIPTURES because they have failed to accept CHRIST as the Messiah.

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If President Obama were to enroll in an American government class, the PROFESSOR would mark him ABSENT on most days. In the first 100 days of his second TERM, the president has failed to show up to class, take NOTES and complete the daunting TASK of rising to the challenges facing him.

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As an entrepreneur, you are constantly playing in uncharted TERRITORY, and sometimes things don't work out. That doesn't MEAN you failed; it just MEANS you may be off course.

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