We NEVER REALLY had any kind of a CHRISTMAS. This is one part where my MEMORY FAILS me completely.

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OBAMACARE is a seriously flawed LAW that makes health care coverage LESS affordable, costs taxpayers more than advertised and fails to deliver on most of its other GRAND PROMISES.
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Many a man FAILS as an original thinker SIMPLY because his MEMORY it too good.

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I like to feel that all my BEST photographs had strong PERSONAL visions and that a photograph that doesn't have a personal VISION or doesn't COMMUNICATE emotion FAILS.

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If all else fails, the CHARACTER of a MAN can be RECOGNIZED by nothing so surely as by a jest which he TAKES badly.

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When a MAN fails to SEE the truth of CERTAIN generally accepted views, there is no LAW COMPELLING him to provoke animosity by announcing his dissent.

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Arguments that we will never stop all shootings by restricting access to such WEAPONS fails to ACCOUNT for our strong and COMMON desire at least to stop many of them - or any of them.

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I am convinced in my HEART and in my mind that if the United STATES FAILS to stand with Israel, that is the end of the United States. We have to show that we are inextricably entwined, that as a nation we have been BLESSED because of our relationship with Israel, and if we REJECT Israel, then there is a curse that comes into play.

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It is CORRECT that securing the border is a GOVERNMENT FUNCTION, but when the government fails, it has a specific and SIGNIFICANT impact on INDIVIDUAL landowners.

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The AFGHAN SECURITY forces will always have the help of the U.S. American military to ensure that Afghanistan NEVER fails.

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When a MARRIAGE culture FAILS, SEXUAL desire no LONGER unites; instead it fragments.

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GOVERNMENT loses its CLAIM to legitimacy when it FAILS to fulfill its obligations.
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If another euro COUNTRY fails, so does Slovakia. Our economy is 80% open and if the citizens of Spain and Portugal have no money to buy cars made here in Slovakia then that will be BAD for US. Everything is connected.

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Once you're a winner, you can give all sorts of REASONS why you're a winner. Of course, you COULD all those same reasons to EXPLAIN why a show FAILS.

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I write because it makes GOD happy that I write. I SING because it makes God happy that I sing. And if it makes God's people happy, then all the BETTER. But if it fails to do so, it's probably my fault.

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