You REACH for the STARS and you work your butt off to ACHIEVE your dreams. If you FALL short, you fall short, but you say you gave it your best.

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I GIVE all the GLORY to God. It's kind of a win-win SITUATION. The glory GOES up to Him and the blessings FALL down on me.

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Never MIND. The SELF is the LEAST of it. Let our scars fall in LOVE.

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BEWARE how you trifle with your marvelous inheritance, this great land of ordered liberty, for if we stumble and fall, freedom and CIVILIZATION everywhere will GO down in RUIN.

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If it's me and yer granny on bongos, it's the FALL.

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DICTATORS fall when they're OVERCONFIDENT; they stay in POWER when they're paranoid.

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The lofty pine is oftenest shaken by the WINDS; HIGH towers fall with a heavier CRASH; And the LIGHTNING strikes the highest MOUNTAIN.

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It gives you a GOOD feeling. Each YEAR, you REDISCOVER in a garden the magic of life. A flower arrives, and it is a MIRACLE. The leaves fall in the autumn, and it LOOKS fantastic. There is a tenderness about a garden, and you can't help but be sensitive to that.

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The thing to REMEMBER is that the work comes FIRST, and not to GET DISTRACTED by anything else. If you keep focused on the work, everything else will fall into place. That's my mantra now.

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There is definitely a 'red carpet moment' to a bride's wedding day, but when DESIGNING for BRIDAL, it is IMPORTANT to FOCUS on the details that will captivate and capture the IMAGINATION of the bride - she has to fall in love with the gown.

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One of the THINGS I realized is that if you do not TAKE CONTROL over your time and your life, other people will gobble it up. If you don't prioritize yourself, you CONSTANTLY start falling LOWER and lower on your list, your kids fall lower and lower on your list.

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The moment the ALARM GOES off is the first test; it sets the TONE for the rest of the DAY. The test is not a complex one: when the alarm goes off, do you get up out of BED, or do you lie there in comfort and fall back to sleep? If you have the discipline to get out of bed, you win - you pass the test.

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A man may DIE, NATIONS may RISE and fall, but an idea LIVES on.

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I LIKE cool jackets - a nice fall or winter coat. You can get a LOT of use out of it, and you'll WEAR it frequently, so it can REALLY set the tone of your uniform for the season.

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