I like things that are just about to GO. Everything's leaving. DEATH is never FAR AWAY from me. When you make something, death can't help but be in it.

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I'm more FRIGHTENED than INTERESTED by artificial intelligence - in fact, perhaps fright and interest are not far away from one another. Things can become real in your mind, you can be tricked, and you believe things you wouldn't ordinarily. A world run by automatons doesn't SEEM completely unrealistic any more. It's a bit CHILLING.

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It was all so FAR away - there was QUIET and an untouched feel to the COUNTRY and I COULD work as I pleased.

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When you live FAR away, home LOOKS a little different EVERY time.

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For me and Washington, it was like I was in a DARK TUNNEL, and the LIGHT was really FAR away.

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I THINK there is a PROBLEM in France that anyone who is not European, you want to KNOW where they come from and why do they come from somewhere or why they speak English or why they are HUMAN. That's the big barrier for all of us that are coming from some far, far away countries. But at the end of the day, we are all ARTISTS.

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I liked Columbia, but it was like high school in that there was this big social WORLD that I was not part of. I EXISTED on the side, far away. That might be temperamental, my own FEAR of large groups, more than anything else. But I had a handful of PROFESSORS who meant a lot to me.

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My father and MOTHER are both very smart people and I ALWAYS felt I was a little short of the mark. So I would compensate with a character like Logan Cale. He's wearing glasses, he's in a wheelchair, he's a computer genius. He's very FAR away from who I am, but I really wanted to play ROLES where I'd be taken seriously.

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When I was a little child, my parents taught me by example to pray. I began with a PICTURE in my mind of Heavenly Father being far away. As I have matured, my experience with PRAYER has changed. The picture in my mind has BECOME one of a Heavenly Father who is CLOSE by, who is bathed in a BRIGHT light, and who knows me perfectly.

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I was far away from MARATHI LITERATURE, theatre, ARTS, everything. I was a LATE entrant to it.

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When I'm WORKING, I ALWAYS read stuff that's as far away from what I'm working on as POSSIBLE, so I'll read AMERICAN CRIME fiction at bedtime, or Emily Dickinson.

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I NEVER wanted to go to college in the state of Washington because I was so embarrassed and ASHAMED of my FAMILY life. I wanted to run. That's what ALWAYS what I do, I run. I run as far AWAY as I can.

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WRITING 'William Shakespeare's STAR Wars' was a FUN exercise in mixing just the right amount of the Bard with just the right amount of everyone's favorite GALAXY FAR, far away.
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You'd walk by MTV an hour ago, and you come BACK, and it seemed like the same SONG was playing. I want to stay as far AWAY from that as I can in my BAND.

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I've played a lot of very posh, SORT of noble or aristocratic English people, which is nothing like what I am, so I FEEL that there is quite a lot DISTANCE there and have played a LITTLE bit far away from myself.

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