On the estate TAX, if you LOOK at the couple of groups who are the biggest advocates for repealing the estate tax, it REALLY is the pass-through BUSINESS, and it's the farmers.

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Our farmers round, well pleased with CONSTANT gain, Like other farmers, FLOURISH and COMPLAIN.

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The LABOUR of the farmers, no DOUBT is of greater value than the FINANCIAL capacity of the GOVERNMENT and non-government INSTITUTIONS which can only play a supportive role.

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I grew up spending SUMMER Saturdays at the local farmers' MARKET, where my mom was a vendor. It fueled my PASSION for REGIONAL foods.

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It would be so simple for the government to SUPPORT farmers to become more PROFITABLE and FARM sustainably.

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If you ask ACROSS the SECTION of FARMERS in the country how MANY of them WANT their children to go into farming, believe me, it is less than 10 per cent. Nobody wants their children to go into farming.

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AMERICAN farmers, by making the commitment to grow more CORN for ethanol, are at the TOP of the spear on the war against terrorism.

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I know quite a few FARMERS all over the United States who have tried this and have said the OPPOSITE, that they have to use more herbicides, not less. The same HOLDS TRUE with BT.

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American farmers and ranchers deserve a USDA that will PURSUE supportive POLICIES rather than SEEK their further HARM.

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Reducing trade barriers with this KEY ally will GO a long way TOWARD increasing market access for AMERICAN farmers, manufacturers and SERVICE providers.

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Throughout high SCHOOL, I peddled my EGGS, had a vendor STAND at the local curb market - precursor to today's farmers' MARKETS - and competed in 4-H contests and interscholastic debate.

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The farmers are older; they are under FINANCIAL stress to PRODUCE more MARGINS, yet they KEEP getting less.

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My buddies wanted to be FIREMEN, farmers or policemen, SOMETHING like that. Not me, I just wanted to STEAL people's money!

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I'd go to the FARMERS' market in Santa Barbara, and I'd put out my guitar case, and I'd test out these LITTLE ditty songs that I would write, and I would get a COUPLE of avocados, a BAG of pistachios, and, like, fifteen bucks. That was a lot of MONEY for me.

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I COOK. I go to farmers MARKETS in London and cook REALLY good SORT of organic foods.

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