City farming is not only possible, it is the very definition of the KIND of meaningful, sustainable innovation we will need to meet the GRAND CHALLENGES of the 21st century: climate change; population growth; ageing population; urbanization; RISING demand for energy, food and water; poverty; and access to healthcare.

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All over the world, social INNOVATION is tackling some of the most pressing problems facing society today - from fair TRADE, distance LEARNING, hospices, URBAN farming and waste reduction to restorative justice and zero-carbon housing. But most of these are growing despite, not because of, help from GOVERNMENTS.

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Farming with LIVE animals is a 7 DAY a WEEK, LEGAL form of slavery.

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FACTORY farming, like comparable EVILS throughout history, DEPENDS for its existence upon concealment. It depends on people either not noticing or willfully averting their GAZE.
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URBAN FARMING is not only POSSIBLE, it is crucial. But it can't be LIKE the farming TECHNIQUES of yore.
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I WANT to pursue farming, and what BETTER place to do it than at a hill STATION, which has a COOL climate almost through the YEAR.

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Once we can Brexit delivered, we can then start talking about those other issues which are much BETTER at bringing people together. We will talk about LOCAL health provision, EDUCATION, FARMING policing and the ECONOMY.

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The emergence and SPREAD of virulent strains of avian influenza has been attributed by EXPERTS to the intensely overcrowded, unsanitary, and stressful CONDITIONS that often characterize large-scale factory farming in industrialized AGRICULTURE.

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I really like the whole urban FARMING IDEA, because I GROW my own produce in L.A., and I THINK it's great to teach PEOPLE here in Manhattan so they can do the same.

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I come from the deep COUNTRYSIDE. My family was in farming. I was not REALLY EXPOSED to business. COMING from that environment, I just wanted in my life to GO overseas - that was a childhood dream because I wanted diversity, contacts, cultural meetings with others.

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Life for my FAMILY was a REAL struggle, as it was for most in those farming communities in ALABAMA.

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Too often, parents whose children express an interest in FARMING squelch it because they envision DIRT, dust, poverty, and hermit living. But GREAT STORIES come out of great farming.

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There was a REVOLUTION going on at HOME. Why didn't I earn some money? Why didn't I do something PRACTICAL, LIKE chicken farming?

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I see many youngsters GIVING up their IT JOBS and going to farming or taking up ORGANIC farming so that kids in future will stay a bit more healthier. That's one cause I really want to take up.

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I've been involved in animal issues for quite a while, going BACK 24 YEARS. I started READING up on FACTORY farming and slaughterhouses and animal cruelty, and it didn't make SENSE for me to be part of it.

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