I think if you GET your FIFTH SCRIPT made, that's the fast track. But there's no GUARANTEE any of them will get made.

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Sure, jets are fast and economical, but, oh my, what fun we've lost and what LEISURE we've sacrificed in the race to EFFICIENCY. Somehow, stepping onto a plane and zooming across the UNITED States in a matter of HOURS doesn't hold a candle to the dear, old-fashioned TRAIN ride.

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I used to be a freelance journalist, so I had to WRITE fast, but I always found writing nonfiction constraining. I like the freedom of fiction, where I get to invent EVERYTHING, and TIDY, conclusive ENDINGS are within my control.

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But it's very DIFFICULT, I can tell you I played the Czech OPEN a few TIMES and it's very difficult just to go on to a scene where the COURSE is prepared differently when the greens are fast and he's not used to it and they're HARD as a rock and he's not used to it.

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I generally find that comparison is the FAST track to unhappiness. No one EVER compares themselves to someone ELSE and comes out even. Nine times out of ten, we compare ourselves to PEOPLE who are somehow BETTER than us and end up feeling more inadequate.

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An out-and-out FAST bowler is one of the GREAT SIGHTS in CRICKET.

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If I GET into a CAR on a circuit, I DRIVE as FAST as I can; that's it!

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MEDITATION is key. It's a crazy world we live in. Everything is happening so FAST in our world, so to TAKE a moment and clear the mind and just be totally present is so HEALING. I want to MEDITATE more.
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I'm a very strange PAINTER. I don't wake up one day and say, 'God, isn't this a fantastic day, I'd BETTER get out and paint!' I think my FATHER's more that way, because he's very FAST.

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Don't fall in love too fast. You THINK you know their dreams, but you just know their PLANS. Plans come from the HEAD, but dreams come from the HEART.

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You look at Bitcoin, and it is an entirely new CURRENCY, completely decentralized, ANONYMOUS; transactions occur incredibly FAST for free, all designed by the free MARKET.

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I think what I do really well is that I can 'chameleon' myself into many STYLES at a very FAST PACE, SOMETIMES in the same verse of a song.

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It was the FIRST time that I was on Broadway, and I GOT to run as fast as I COULD to KEEP up. And I loved it!

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One THING at a TIME, all THINGS in succession. That which grows fast withers as rapidly; and that which grows SLOW ENDURES.

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