People SAY, 'You slide too MUCH.' I try to change a BIT, just to see the difference, and it's very bad. The faster and EASIER THING is to slide. To me, it's a gift, it's natural. It may be different, but I'm me.

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When I came to the LEAGUE, back in Europe I was so much faster than the other guys, I was always penetrating. I didn't use my JUMP shot. When I came to the league it was tough to GET to the basket. All those guys, they went under the pick-and-roll. It was LONG threes, especially for me coming from Europe.

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NOWADAYS, ideas can MEET and mate very MUCH faster than before, and the Internet is only accelerating this PROCESS. So innovation is bound to accelerate.

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EVERYBODY is continuously connected to everybody else on Twitter, on Facebook, on INSTAGRAM, on Reddit, e-mailing, TEXTING, faster and faster, with the flood of information jeopardizing MEANING. Everybody's talking at once in a hypnotic, hyper din: the cocktail party from hell.

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Glacial PACE is ACTUALLY an incorrect concept. The GLACIERS move a lot FASTER and they REACT a lot faster than people imagine.

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We WANT to TURN our inventory FASTER than our PEOPLE.

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I LIKE a MAN who can RUN FASTER than I can.

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I go to clubs and if I notice the DJS are PLAYING the RECORDS faster, then I'll push the beats a LITTLE on the next record I make. A lot of PEOPLE don't know how to watch out for things like that.

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I'm a lot more comfortable KNOWING that LIKE the body FRAME, like these 160-pounders, I'm still a lot bigger than those guys. I'm stronger, I'm FASTER.

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A LOT of the TIME, what happens is, when you shoot in L.A., you tend to be able to do THINGS faster, BELIEVE it or not.

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When a MAN's MIND rides FASTER than his HORSE can gallop they quickly both tire.

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I'm not going to try and GO after Meldrick Taylor. He's too DANGEROUS and much FASTER with his HANDS.

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The English game is not FASTER than the German game. PERHAPS there are a few more sprints. But there is a different style of FOOTBALL here, partially DUE to the weather.

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The FASTER the WORD sticks to the THOUGHT, the more BEAUTIFUL is the EFFECT.

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While the spoken word can travel faster, you can't take it HOME in your HAND. Only the WRITTEN word can be absorbed wholly at the convenience of the READER.

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