If there is any FORM of contagion that is adaptive, it is the IMMEDIATE RESPONSE to the fear of others. If others are fearful, there may be good REASON for you to be fearful too.

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What's wrong with US isn't a rap sheet of BAD deeds, but a damaged HEART, a soul-sickness, that plunges us into fearful self-protection, alienation from God and OTHERS.

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People more than EVER since I can REMEMBER are concerned about being out of step and out of line with their POLITICAL party and won't cross over. There is NOBODY, man or woman, who wants to be left out, and people are fearful of that. People are fearful of their leadership as WELL.

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I haven't hypnotised a WHOLE LOT of CELEBRITIES, because they're FEARFUL of it.

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I don't WORK with FEAR, and I don't work with actors that are FEARFUL.

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We are under no delusions as to the innate goodness EVEN of very small children. They are bad a great DEAL of the time, but before it has been knocked out of them, they see no limit to the potentialities of the human will. Theirs is the FAITH to move MOUNTAINS, because they do not yet know the FEARFUL heft of them.

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Every now and then, we hear parents commenting on the fearful THINGS which motion PICTURES may do to the minds of children. They seem to THINK that a little child is full of sweetness and of LIGHT. We had the same notion until we had a chance to LISTEN intently to the prattle of a three-year-old.

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My life experiences have helped me to be LESS fearful. In POLITICS, that has ALLOWED me to take on issues sooner RATHER than later.

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I BELIEVE that when you PROVIDE INFORMATION to people, they become less FEARFUL and they will ENGAGE more in their democracy if they are empowered with information.

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I think most of us in AMERICA want our security. There're so MANY people out there that are fearful and now with this REALIZATION of immigration, with the terrorists, we need to have BETTER checks and balances in regards to who's emigrating into our country.

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We LIVE in a fearful SOCIETY that has perfected the art of doubting, weaned us on worry, and trained us to focus on everything that can or has GONE wrong.

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The love scenes that WORKED, regardless of the director, were the ONES where the actors weren't FEARFUL. When SOMEBODY was fearful, you could see it right away. It TAKES you out of the story, and that's to be avoided at all costs.

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Most PEOPLE have FALLEN by the wayside once or twice in their LIVES, and because the WORLD is so transparent now, I think they're very fearful of RUNNING for office.

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Even for people who live in the COUNTRY, there is a TREPIDATION now about going OUTSIDE to PLAY. But it never occurred to us to be fearful when we were young.

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