PERSONALLY I SUPPORT 14,000 kids in Zambia - I feed and clothe them - but I don't hold press conferences about it. I don't do it so you'll THINK what a nice person I am; it's PRIVATE.

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Have I ever hated ANYONE? Higuain - but he SURPRISED me after getting to know him. No. 9s are selfish, they do a different job, but he has a generous, playful side. He's a DEMANDING guy because you have to be pamper him, motivate him. He NEEDS affection to feed the INCREDIBLE potential he has.

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GROWING up, VIDEO GAMES allowed me to feed this competitive drive while still HANGING out with my friends and being a KID.

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I don't FEED off of the boos, I don't feed off anything LIKE that... No one likes to GET booed, no one likes to get cussed out, no one likes to get yelled at by 20,000 fans when you go places.

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MySpace was KIND of coming to an END when I got onto SOCIAL media. So my first experience was with Facebook, and there was, like, a penguin GAME where you feed your penguins, and you have penguin friends.

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I GO to 'SNL' with Alec. I LITERALLY watch on a FEED from his room. I'm not in the AUDIENCE. I watch in his room. I get so cozy.

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We EAT really WELL. It is my job, as their MOTHER, our job as PARENTS, to feed them well so that they're healthy so that they are very well behaved.

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Another nice thing was that I would TYPE out LETTERS home for the admiral's stewards. They would then feed me the same food the admiral ate.

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Most people, when they think of an insult, they keep it to themselves. But you wouldn't BELIEVE the THINGS people say on my TWITTER feed, and I'm a nice guy. Imagine if I was a JERK.

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As great of a PLAYER as Yao was, he was kind and patient with everybody. He wasn't trying to FEED an image or cultivate a BRAND or manipulate a PUBLIC PERSONA.

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Marketing is not BRAGGING, and touting one's wares is not EVIL. The baker in the medieval town square MUST holler, 'Fresh ROLLS!' if he hopes to feed the townfolk.

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Lake Garda it's very different. The northern part of the lake is very much Loch Ness, deep sides, but as soon as you GET into the SOUTH it opens out. You walk around, you see shallow waters, and you see weeds that should feed a SMALL fish. You think, 'Ah, this is different'.

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The empathy I FOUND reading 'Heidi' and 'Little Women' is empathy we have as human beings that can feed all of our souls. We have our DIFFERENCES, but we're all so similar in our humanness. So those stories about YOUNG GIRLS overcoming MEANT a lot to me and gave me hope.

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So many people in my life NEED prayers, and I FEEL like I OWE that to them. After all, in heaven, we FEED each other.

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As actors, we have a PHILOSOPHY, which is this: GREAT fun. That has transmitted itself into the dwarf philosophy of life. We're up for a brawl, we're up for a BLOODY good FEED, and if you've GOT food, well, we share what we've got, and so should you.

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