The idea of a SOCIAL hub/website and official FACEBOOK PAGE just felt right as I want to be available for those who want to connect with me and SHARE their feedback, suggestions, love and SUPPORT.

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If my PARENTS don't like something, they tell me on my FACE. You get REAL feedback from them.

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Each medium has its own beauty and way of working. While TELEVISION offers IMMENSE reach and long-running shows, FILMS are shorter and they are presented differently. With THEATRE, it's the thrill of instant feedback.

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With the millions of listeners to 'COAST to Coast AM,' I get constant feedback from PEOPLE who are not happy with the current candidates. MAYBE I will RUN for PRESIDENT in 2012.

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It's all very well making RECORDS, but the joy of performing is that you GET to MEET PEOPLE who GIVE you instant feedback.

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Too OFTEN we're happy to receive THANKS from the nonprofits we fund, ACCEPTING gratitude instead of feedback or performance measurements.

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My PARENTS have provided guidance, OBJECTIVE FEEDBACK, and unconditional SUPPORT. They are advocates of what I do.

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This whole notion that all African-Americans are not GOING to vote for OBAMA is not necessarily true. I believe a THIRD would vote for me, BASED on my own anecdotal FEEDBACK. Not vote for me because I'm black but because of my policies.

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I'm vulnerable to CRITICISM. Any ARTIST is, because you WORK alone in your studio and, until recently, critics were the only WAY you'd get any feedback.

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I love cities, and I love CITY GOVERNMENTS in PARTICULAR. But in politics it would have TAKEN me 8 years from implementing a policy before I would get to see the feedback. With programming I could model the same policies and see the impact immediately. Technology is a FAR more efficient way to test.

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During my TIME growing a COMPANY in the private sector, one of my guiding PRINCIPLES was to meet and hear FEEDBACK from as many customers as POSSIBLE.

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In the END, I do have a GROUP of FRIENDS and teachers whose opinions I RESPECT, and so I guess I just have to be content with their feedback.

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I'm not SOMEBODY who GOES online after EVERY episode airs because that would be, for me, getting too MUCH feedback and too much INFORMATION.

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Big IDEAS developed in a VACUUM are doomed from the start. Feedback is the essential tool for building and GROWING a successful COMPANY.

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