Revenge is BARREN of itself: it is the DREADFUL food it feeds on; its DELIGHT is murder, and its END is DESPAIR.

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I'm always fascinated by the disjunct between what's REALLY happening on the ground and the propaganda MACHINE that FEEDS America alarmist news about immigration.

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One TWEET can be heard 'round the world if the right PEOPLE retweet it and the right people NOTICE it on their FEEDS.

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Making music with other PEOPLE feeds SPONTANEITY, and lends IDEAS to your SOLO work.

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We need narrative; it FEEDS US in a particular WAY, and deconstructing it completely before you've actually experienced it, I THINK it LEAVES us unfed.

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CATERING to BAD FEELINGS FEEDS and empowers them.

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I LOVE MAKING money, but you can't live your LIFE waiting to GET rich in a JOB that no longer feeds you artistically.

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The whole thing about Tool is that it kind of feeds on itself. If it's GOING, it's going. If it's at a grinding HALT, there's either the will to PICK it up again and get it going or not. We've been through serious stages of nothing... business problems or personal problems or WHATEVER.

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I LOVE being a mother. I think it's the best thing I've ever done, and I personally FEEL that it's had a very positive effect on my work. I think it's an ENCOURAGING force for CREATIVITY, it feeds creativity - it did for me, CERTAINLY.

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I can't BELIEVE there will ever be a TIME when the book is truly obsolete. It is the perfect TECHNOLOGY and FEEDS the SOUL.

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For myself, QUEER EYE FEEDS more to my HEART and my soul than as a platform for a career.

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One THING that feeds into the WAY you experience the SOCIAL world is your mood - and one thing that affects your mood is the weather.

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There is no scientific reason to think that we, even with space travel, are going to SURVIVE as a species for EVER, certainly not by biting off the hand that feeds US, which is EXACTLY what we are doing.

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The INTERNET FEEDS off the MAIN PRESS, and the main press feeds off the Internet. They're WORKING in tandem.

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There are some PEOPLE WHOSE Twitter FEEDS are works of ART. They intuitively understand how MUCH of themselves to put out there.

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