There are dozens of unfinished or aborted PROJECTS in my FILES, but I can only ASSUME they don't get DONE because they're not robust enough to struggle through the birth process.

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Unauthorized use of these MP3 FILES is REALLY CREATING a problem for artists in the music COMMUNITY.

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In the U.S., we are FREE to speak our minds and to SPEND money WITHOUT being FORCED to reveal our identities - EXCEPT when using the Web. Browsing the Web leaves digital tracks everywhere in the form of log files, and anyone who hosts a Web site can be easily traced.

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We TEND to think of WORLD WAR II and all the atrocities that HAPPENED, and people say, 'Never again.' But these things are STILL happening. The Amnesty International files are big.

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When I was in third grade, I WOULD run HOME - literally run home from school - and if I could make it in time, I could get home and the put the TV on in time to CATCH the answering machine message at the start of 'The Rockford Files.'

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The Nauru files lifts the secrecy surrounding Australia's hidden detention regime for asylum SEEKERS through VIVID reporting and the WORDS of the guards and officials on the ISLAND themselves.

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If I needed to know about a SECURITY exploit, I preferred to get the INFORMATION by accessing the companies' security teams' files, RATHER than poring over LINES of code to find it on my own. It's just more efficient.

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'Cold CASE Files' and similar shows do bang up business, which POINTS to a certain THIRST for DETAILS in the viewership, but it seems like all the news chat shows continue to force the MYTH that Americans can't stand detail and have no interest in an idea that can't fit on a bumper sticker.

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We have EVIDENCE that a number of Bahrainis who OPPOSE our GOVERNMENT are being trained in Syria. I have seen the files and we have notified the Syrian authorities, but they DENY any involvement.

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We don't WANT our GOVERNMENT building files on what people THINK about their government.

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For one person, organized FILES MIGHT be a crucial tool for CREATIVITY; ANOTHER person finds inspiration in random juxtapositions.

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Dropbox sweats the user experience details as commendably as it masters the considerable ENGINEERING CHALLENGES required to reliably sync files EVERYWHERE a user MAY need them.

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