I'm at LEAST smart enough to know I COULD never fill Billy Graham's shoes, but I'm GRATEFUL he GAVE me an opportunity to help him finish his race on earth well and to continue his life's work.

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The whole reason people fill their homes with furry carnivores and not with, say, iguanas and turtles, is because mammals offer SOMETHING no REPTILE ever will. They GIVE AFFECTION, they want affection, and respond to our EMOTIONS the way we do to theirs.

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I would never try to fill JOHN TERRY's BOOTS. You can never fill that POSITION.

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HUMAN need is REALLY a great spiritual vacuum which GOD seeks to fill... With one hand in the hand of a fellow man in need and the other in the hand of Christ, He could get ACROSS the vacuum.

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If you can CONSTANTLY just put pressure on all four quadrants, it gives you a little more leverage to be ABLE to FILL the ZONE up with breaking balls and fastball counts - or with breaking balls when GUYS are maybe sitting on the fastball that you've established.

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Because of things like 'The X FACTOR' and 'Autotune', the REAL art of COMMUNICATING a song is not treasured any more. But SINGING other PEOPLE's songs can be an intensely personal experience. I want the songs to be vessels that people fill with their own imagination, the same way that I fill it with my thoughts and feelings.

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The month of November MAKES me FEEL that life is passing more QUICKLY. In an EFFORT to slow it down, I try to fill the hours more meaningfully.

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Who indeed, after pulling off the coloured GLASSES of prejudice and thrusting out of sight his pet projects, can help seeing the folly of these endeavours to protect men against themselves? A sad population of imbeciles WOULD our schemers fill the WORLD with, could their PLANS LAST.

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At the beginning of the cask and the END take thy FILL but be saving in the MIDDLE; for at the bottom the SAVINGS comes too LATE.

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WOMEN just NEVER think their lips are big enough, even when they are really big. The first thing I always hear from women when they sit down with me is, 'I NEED to fill my lips.' It's almost CRAZY how many women say that to me.

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Your goal when searing a steak is to make SURE that the TEMPERATURE and evaporation buckets are as SMALL as POSSIBLE, so that you can rapidly fill them up and MOVE on to the important process of browning.

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If you don't FILL your DAYS with LOVE, you are wasting your LIFE.

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Now, we don't TEACH children in SCHOOLS to be creative. We don't teach them to EXPERIMENT. We want them to fill in the right ANSWER, tick the right answer in the box.

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I grew up in NOVA Scotia, and my uncle lived close to the Bay of Fundy. We WOULD walk across the mud flats out to an island, and then you'd climb a cliff and be in the FOREST. And if the WATER came in, the basin would fill up with, like, a 30-foot TIDE. It was phenomenal.

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When I'm feeling down on myself or not feeling good about who I am, or MAYBE something happened and I'm feeling DEPRESSED, I EAT to fill that void. AFTERWARDS I'll beat myself up about it. I REGRET doing it, but I'll turn around and do it again.

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