When I FINISH a PAINTING, it usually LOOKS as SURPRISING to me as to anyone ELSE.

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I now can be sure that, once I start WRITING a book, I'll be ABLE to finish it. I've ALSO become more assured about my 'voice' as a writer and being able to keep the characters TRUE to themselves.

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It's the job that's NEVER started as takes LONGEST to FINISH.

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I LOOK at whatever the finish LINE is for the character and then KIND of act backwards from that and PLAY him in such a way so that that finish line is more rewarding.

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When I finish dressing before a night out and have put on all the ACCESSORIES, I usually look at myself in the mirror LONG and hard and then end up removing SOMETHING. WHETHER it's a belt, bracelet or a bauble, less is always more.

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We are America, SECOND to NONE, and we own the FINISH line. Don't forget it.

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When you are WRITING and DIRECTING and producing, there is a LOT of STUFF to do. I LIKE to finish one; then while I am editing, I will think of the next one.

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CHANEL is a very important vendor for Neiman Marcus. My favorite thing is the WAY they FINISH off the hems on dresses and JACKETS.

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That's one THING you learn in SPORTS. You don't GIVE up; you fight to the FINISH.

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I once tried to write a novel about REVENGE. It's the only BOOK I didn't finish. I couldn't GET into the MIND of the person who was plotting vengeance.

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I never finished the 'Large Glass' because, after working on it for eight years, I probably got INTERESTED in SOMETHING else; also, I was TIRED. It may be that, subconsciously, I never intended to finish it because the word 'finish' implies an ACCEPTANCE of TRADITIONAL methods and all the paraphernalia that accompany them.

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There are times when one would like to HANG the WHOLE HUMAN race, and finish the FARCE.

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I always BACK myself as a finisher, but I always practise it as well. Every type of FINISH: LEFT foot, right foot, headers, penalties, FREE kicks.

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I STARTED WRITING at the kitchen table after MIDNIGHT. It took ten months to finish that first book; I sent it to a publisher and I got some kind of prize, so it was like a DREAM - I was SURPRISED to find it happening.

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We're living proof that NICE guys ALWAYS FINISH LAST.

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