I'm a writer. I'm moonlighting on television. I never MADE any pretensions to that. As much as I like being on 'Real Sports,' I have been a writer SINCE I was a LITTLE BOY, and that's STILL my first love.

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There's multiple ways I express myself. Music is my first LOVE and will always come first. But, there are other AREAS and industries I'm INTERESTED in that reflect different aspects of my LIFESTYLE.

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I minored in creative writing in COLLEGE, and I've PLAYED with the idea of doing something more hybrid, but COMICS are my first LOVE.

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FIRST LOVE is only a LITTLE FOOLISHNESS and a lot of curiosity.
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COMICS are my first love, and I hate SEEING an ART FORM that I love suffer.
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When you're a front man for a band, there's NOWHERE to hide. It took me a LONG time to GET USED to that. But music is my first love. I STARTED singing when I talked.

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I'm looking to immerse myself more in the ENTERTAINMENT community and possibly GET into doing some ACTING. Music is my first love, what I was most naturally drawn to and CHOOSE to study. Getting into the acting world is like a NEW exciting challenge.

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I was connected to the THEATER, it was my first love, where my career was focused, on INTERESTING WAYS to TELL stories.

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THEATRE was and will ALWAYS be my FIRST LOVE.
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MUSIC is my FIRST LOVE, as it's in my BLOOD.
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Ivan Turgenev's novella 'First LOVE' is one of the most PERFECT THINGS EVER WRITTEN.

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FIRST LOVE is a kind of vaccination which saves a man from CATCHING the COMPLAINT the SECOND time.
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Hockey, honestly, was my first LOVE. The excitement, the fast PACE, the INTENSITY of the game... I STILL love it to this DAY.

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