A BANKRUPTCY JUDGE can FIX your BALANCE sheet, but he cannot fix your COMPANY.

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Until we FIX the deep-rooted problems of economic INEQUALITY, we cannot expect young PEOPLE to experience the best CHILDHOOD and adolescence.

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In my MIND, I am extraordinarily handy. But what that MEANS is when I ATTEMPT to fix SOMETHING, there's usually a five-minute period of experimentation, followed by a five-minute period of frustration, followed by a frantic phone call to a PROFESSIONAL.

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When you're TYPE A you ALWAYS think you can FIX ANYTHING. SOMETIMES there's nothing you can do.

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EVERY TIME I make a new game, I PUT all of my effort completely into that game. It's like putting all your effort into a new CHILD that's being born. Once the project is done, I can step back and look at it objectively, which is when I can see a lot of flaws. That's when I START to make a new game that tries to fix some of those flaws.

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One thing that was very important to me was that I felt comfortable in the lab from being very, very SMALL. I knew that that's where I belonged, and I could fix things and MOVE things. And no matter how many classrooms I went into where I was the only girl in the PHYSICS class or WHATEVER, I never questioned the fact that I didn't belong there.

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My story is ENDLESS. I put in a teletype roll, you know, you know what they are, you have them in newspapers, and run it through there and FIX the MARGINS and just GO, go - just go, go, go.

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It's not a panacea: there are PROBLEMS in the world that technology can't FIX. You can't fix water shortages. You can't storm a MINISTRY of the INTERIOR with a cell phone. You can't magically create leaders and institutions overnight. You can't eat it. You can't SHIELD a bullet.

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It's very important to GO pitch-by-pitch and game-by-game and not getting too FAR ahead of myself. In the PAST, it was TRYING to MAKE up for a bad game and thinking ahead and what do I have to do to fix this.

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We did more to thwart Iran's nuclear ambitions with a COMPUTER virus than we EVER could have with bombs (and we did still more with diplomacy - the abandonment of which is ALSO bad for our military, because militaries can only stop a problem, not FIX a problem).

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In the studio, if things GO wrong, you stop things and FIX them. I have never been in a RECORDING studio, really, where the people in the booth were not interested in MAKING a very good album. It's often a light-hearted atmosphere but serious at the same time.

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I can't TELL you how MANY 30-year-old dudes believe they should be senator or president. Women, we're LIKE, 'Well, MAYBE after ten years of working...' No. Just run for the office you WANT to run for and run on the issue you want to fix.

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I think the problems with COMEDIANS that are political, and there are some brilliant ones, are the ones that offer no SOLUTIONS. Not that there's a MORAL OBLIGATION for a comic to fix THINGS, but I like to see a comic that's upset about something and offer a solution. It can be a funny solution. I like to see the thought process.

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Knowing my mistakes and being able to go back to FIX them - that HELPS me out a LOT.

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Every TIME I GO to the dentist they say, 'You really need to fix that GAP of yours'. I'm LIKE, 'My gap is PAYING your dentist bills.'

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