Encourage children to write their own stories, and then don't rain on their parade. Don't say, 'That's not true.' Applaud flights of FANTASY. HELP with spelling and GRAMMAR, but stand up and cheer the use of IMAGINATION.

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DESPITE the painful changes we have had to MAKE, we CONTINUE to believe in the St. Louis market. And we are hoping to add flights, in a careful way, as the economics of our business improve and the demands of the traveling PUBLIC in St. Louis BECOME clear.

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I have to have my BEATS Studio3 noise-canceling HEADPHONES with me on LONG flights.

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There are downsides to a lot of things. There are downsides to FLYING - PEOPLE DIE every now and then. Do you want to stop all AIR flights? There are downsides to pharma; sometimes they're misused. Do you want to stop USING pills?

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I was SIMULTANEOUSLY SHOOTING for 'Manikarnika' and 'Ek Je Chhilo Raja'. In two-and-a-half months, I took 23 flights, including an INTERNATIONAL flight to Los Angeles. It was PHYSICALLY very challenging, shooting for both. I WOULD catch up on sleep on the flights.

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There was always that THING with 'Johnny' - I always saw myself as his writer and PR. But when he got out there, I had no control. His whole thing was going off on those flights of fancy. Going, 'Let's SEE what we can POSSIBLY do that hasn't been done before up here.' And when it works, it's lovely; it's a GREAT night.

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I SPEND most flights STARING out into that endless cloudscape and watching the planet drift by below. I never understand people who CLOSE the window shade. There's magic out there.

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To me, in general, something that's really rich in TERMS of IDENTITY about transit spaces is that they're so INTIMATE. Especially thinking about long international flights when we're trying to SLEEP on the plane - we're total strangers, but we're sleeping NEXT to each other.

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I was in Austin on 9/11, and there were no flights, so I couldn't get to NEW YORK to cover the story, so I had to find more CREATIVE ways.

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Our task was doing MAINTENANCE and repairs to KEEP the station in a good STATE for the return of the shuttle flights and resumption of major ISS construction.

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Transatlantic flights are unflattering. Hairstyles flop. MAKEUP melts AWAY. Faces shrivel or swell from dehydration, and contact lenses GIVE WAY to spectacles.

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Sometimes, of COURSE, there's no QUICK way to MAKE it through immigration: Different airports have gluts of incoming flights at different times of day, and short of rearranging your flight schedule to ensure you'll LAND at a low-traffic hour, there's NOTHING you can do.

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On OVERNIGHT flights, I have TRAINED myself to GET to sleep almost instantly after takeoff. I always listen to the same audiobook on my IPOD so my brain knows, regardless of time zone, that that voice means it's time for BED.

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There's a LOT of power in HANDWRITING a note, and BUSINESS TRAVELERS have a ton of time to do that when they're sitting in airports or on flights.

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Ironically, it is only when disaster strikes that the shuttle makes the headlines. Its ROUTINE flights attracted less media INTEREST than unmanned probes to the planets or the images from the Hubble Telescope. The fate of Columbia (like that of Challenger in 1986) reminded US that space is still a hazardous environment.

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