FEET, what do I NEED you for when I have WINGS to FLY?
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I do FLY to WORK by helicopter. It's a REALITY.

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I'd love to grow a pair of discreet wings so I COULD just fly AROUND a bit and IMPRESS PEOPLE.

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New ideas that fly in the FACE of conventional WISDOM of the DAY are always greeted with DOUBT and scorn, even FEAR.

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The only person I've been ABLE to get to GO up with me, who LOOKS FORWARD to it as MUCH as I do, is my wife. Whenever we want to get away, we can just get in a plane and fly off.

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When I fly, it takes me two, THREE DAYS to RECOVERY, to be good PHYSICALLY.

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I didn't want to do media or appearances. You've GOT to do this and that, fly here to film something. I didn't want to cut into my TIME for that. You can't PAY for your PEACE of mind and your SANITY.

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I may be developing aerophobia as I GET older, or MAYBE I'm just BECOMING middle aged, because I find flying an increasingly UNPLEASANT way of travelling. I would much rather drive than FLY.

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Most PEOPLE are UNABLE to WRITE because they are unable to think, and they are unable to think because they congenitally lack the equipment to do so, just as they congenitally lack the equipment to fly over the MOON.

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I MIGHT be able to HIGH fly when I'm wrestling Pentagon, at the end of the day, Pentagon won that match. At the end of the day, I TOOK 10 package piledrivers, so I don't really want to do that again.

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None of God's Creatures ABSOLUTELY consider'd are in their own NATURE Contemptible; the meanest FLY, the poorest Insect has its USE and Vertue.

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I memorized EVERY LINE in MICHAEL Jordan's 'Come FLY with Me.'

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My DAD taught me how to fish. When I am stand in a trout stream now, and I have the waders on, and I've got a fly rod in my hand, or I am fishing for BASS, I think of sitting in a BOAT with my dad. How can that be a bad EXPERIENCE?

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I'm a COMPETITOR so when I NEED to, I just FLY.

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