Other than MOTHERHOOD, the eight years that I spent at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, I have incredibly fond memories of. It's a BEAUTIFUL place, with four SEASONS up in Wisconsin. And really WONDERFUL PEOPLE.

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I'm so FOND of abstract design in the STYLE of Vanderbilt and DAVID Hicks and that whole 1970S era. They took the 1930s and gave it a bit of technicolour.

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I have a LOT of FOND MEMORIES of St. Patrick's DAY in Chicago. Vague, but fond.

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I don't KNOW why 'Midsomer Murders' is so popular; I've asked this MANY times and I've asked the Germans particularly because I've become very fond of them, to be honest. And they SAY it's the irony, the SENSE of humour and so on.

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Here I am SITTING in the back of a cab with Catherine Zeta-Jones who is telling me Michael Douglas has FOND memories of me - it just MAKES me feel GOOD as a HUMAN being.

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I love pies of all types. I especially love rhubarb. I GREW up with rhubarb GROWING on our property, and my MOM would make rhubarb pies and jam. I have to admit, though, my earliest memories of rhubarb were not FOND ones, but over time, I grew to love it.

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I have a FOND appreciation for the CANADIAN CULTURE and the Canadian food scene in GENERAL.

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When I don't FEEL like getting ready, just a pop of colour on the lips does the trick for me. I have this fond liking for RUBY WOO from Mac. It's a Matte RED colour and MAKES all the difference.

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Although both of US were raised on Oahu, in Honolulu, my MOTHER has always had fond MEMORIES of Maui; this was, after all, where she and my father, then penniless yet oddly OPTIMISTIC newlyweds, honeymooned in 1969.

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I have a FOND PLACE in my heart for Seattle, so I HOPE that an NBA team comes back to this great city, this great sports city.

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Rome is POSSIBLY my favorite city in the world. I have such FOND memories there - most of them FOOD related.

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I was warped EARLY by RAY Bradbury and Edgar Allan POE. I was very FOND of Franz Kafka.

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You have to be very fond of men. Very, very fond. You have to be very fond of them to LOVE them. OTHERWISE they're SIMPLY UNBEARABLE.

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I hope that I dress for my AGE. Because there's no need to be dowdy, is there? But I don't go with all the COLOURS that EVERYBODY is wearing. I'm not very fond of lime green or orange, so I don't do that. I read all the FASHION magazines, but most things are totally unsuitable for somebody of 79.

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My week at school would be good or bad depending on whether Balmain won. I have such fond memories of those suburban grounds, and everything was so undiluted. The players weren't censored, and for me it was a WONDERFUL period of my LIFE when everything was simple and PURE. For me, that resonated with rugby LEAGUE.

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