If you have a character who WINS all the TIME - well, if you have a character that loses and wins, it makes him more ALIVE. Bugs Bunny, for example, didn't ALWAYS WIN.

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I USED to come out and say I was targeting certain PLAYERS in the opposition team, particularly players I had had SUCCESS against in the past: Gary Kirsten, Brian Lara and Michael Atherton, for EXAMPLE. It is a mental part of the GAME.

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For me, I'm not that interested in READING newspapers, for example, so the Labour Live EVENT is a really good way for me to ENGAGE in PARTY politics and HEAR speeches and have discussions.

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I'd be lying if I said I never had any ISSUES with players but at some POINT you have to stamp your AUTHORITY because if you're good at TAKING free-kicks, for EXAMPLE, they should let you take them.

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It's EASIER to WRITE about what you KNOW. I wouldn't write about a WALL Street broker, for EXAMPLE.

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I don't LIKE PEOPLE who TAKE drugs... customs MEN for EXAMPLE.

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So much of what young people perceive about their body image is TAKEN from watching their PARENTS... I think we need to look at ways we can HELP parents pass on more positive messages to their children, and perhaps some of that can be done through health visitors, for EXAMPLE.

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Because I am away so MUCH, I TRY to establish home in people, rather than PLACES. For example, wherever I GET together with my brother the place we're in BECOMES home.

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When you talk to people about their PRACTICAL life, for EXAMPLE when they're at work, LIKE the rail industry, the RMT members know better than anyone else how to run their industry.

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There's benefits of having established artists on the record, Liam Payne on 'Polaroid' for EXAMPLE. If you look at that SONG you have Lennon Stella, who's an up-and-coming ARTIST, so there's a balance on there because I still want PEOPLE to focus on the song just as much as Liam being an amazing superstar.

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The triathlon can be a very hard sport to TRAIN for. You see all the TIME when PEOPLE try to improve - like their SWIM, for example: they train really hard for two to three weeks, and then when they go back to normal training, the swim GOES back to where it was before.

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My family has had to move and CHANGE their name and have been SUBJECT to threats from RIGHT wing blogs calling for my SON, for example, to be killed to GET at me.

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I don't think people have EVER REALLY been in touch with SCIENCE. They're DRAWN to it, but they don't know why they're drawn to it. For EXAMPLE, you may be blown away by the structure of something, like a soccer ball or a geodesic dome, with its hexagonal shapes.

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There are some professions, of course, where licensing is important. For example: If there's someone out there claiming to be a TOP heart surgeon whose only qualifications are having played OPERATION as a child, then I'm going to have a problem with that. I'm definitely going to SAY that jail time is appropriate in this instance.

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The artwork on my packaging was SOMETHING I painstakingly micro-managed - for EXAMPLE, I treat it like a tattoo, TAKING into consideration the muscle structure and seeing were the LINE lands on the existing body.

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