I WOULD have felt ashamed if I had not been PART of the resistance and part of FIGHTING BACK against the FORCES of the state.

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It is our common EXPERIENCE as HUMAN beings that the RESULTS of social forces SEEM to admit only of 'probabilistic' predictions.

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A DOG is a pitiful thing, depending wholly on companionship, and utterly LOST EXCEPT in packs or by the SIDE of his master. Leave him alone, and he does not know what to do except bark and howl and trot about till sheer exhaustion forces him to sleep.

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We're all functions of our SOCIETIES, right? And we all become who we are because of the invisible FORCES that MOLD US.

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Everyone says 'Anna Karenina' is about individual DESIRE GOING against society, but I actually THINK the opposite is STRONGER: the WAY societal forces limit the expression of the individual.

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I think SYRIA is now the TRAINING ground for the world... These rebel FORCES are more of a THREAT than anything.

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You are one of the FORCES of NATURE.

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