NOTHING fixes a THING so intensely in the MEMORY as the WISH to FORGET it.

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Having children makes you see the WORLD in a completely different way. When you're RESPONSIBLE for those little LIVES, you can't slough it off or FORGET about it until later.

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It is important never to FORGET our history, but PARTS of our history are more appropriately displayed in MUSEUMS, not on government property.

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Forget about TRYING to COMPETE with SOMEONE ELSE. Create your own pathway. Create your own NEW vision.

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It does not do to DWELL on DREAMS and FORGET to LIVE.

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Youth cannot know how AGE thinks and feels. But OLD men are GUILTY if they forget what it was to be YOUNG.

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LIVE your LIFE and FORGET your AGE.

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You've gotta do things that make you HAPPY. As women, we tend to GIVE AWAY a lot. We take care of a lot of PEOPLE, and we can't forget to take care of ourselves.

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With so many ways to communicate at our disposal, we must not forget the transformative POWER of a live MUSIC EXPERIENCE and GENUINE human exchange.

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The DANGER of success is that it MAKES us FORGET the WORLD's DREADFUL injustice.

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I think HEARTBREAK is something that you LEARN to LIVE with as OPPOSED to learn to FORGET.

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I REALLY BELIEVE in, 'Move on, LIVE and let live, FORGIVE and FORGET.'

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Oh, the illusion of choice in the modern WORLD - don't get me started. But don't you agree that the Internet has softened our brains and MADE US forget that 'choice' used to mean something different from selecting OPTIONS from menus?

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In MODERN life, we tend to FORGET FAMILY values because of the HECTIC SCHEDULE.

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It is the peculiar quality of a fool to PERCEIVE the FAULTS of OTHERS and to forget his own.

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