It PLEASES me that FRANK Sinatra's music still has an audience, because many people who have come into the music world and then PASSED out of the music world are LONG since forgotten. He has been able to enjoy this great LONGEVITY.

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WHATEVER simplicity I've achieved in WRITING, I think I OWE most of it to Jean Renoir and Hemingway: simple, declarative SENTENCES. I've read some very good writers, but the sentences were so LONG that I've forgotten what the point was.
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Labour have long SINCE forgotten that people work HARD to pay their TAXES and support our WELFARE SYSTEM.

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I've SAID to OTHERS that there were PLACES I had forgotten about that were just so powerful. I've read the Gospels many times, but it's been a while since I've read through a whole BOOK.

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The POWERLESSNESS of the child is often FORGOTTEN. And after it comes the terrifying phase of MOVING into ADULTHOOD.

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I have never FORGOTTEN my days as an Eagle Scout. I didn't KNOW it at the time, but what REALLY came out of my Scouting was learning how to LEAD and serve the community. It has come in handy in my career in GOVERNMENT.

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Some very beautiful THINGS get LOST and forgotten. Just as I GOT lost.

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Most reputations are not RUINED but FORGOTTEN.

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The revolution in RUSSIA was victorious with the help of the poor peasants. This should always be borne in mind here in Western Europe and all the WORLD over. But the workers in Western Europe stand alone: this should never be FORGOTTEN in Russia.

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Hot TODAY, forgotten tomorrow. I'm not BUYING ANYTHING.

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LIFE is WAY BETTER than TV. I recommend it to anyone who has FORGOTTEN they have one.
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SOMETIMES I feel LIKE I've forgotten how to be the mom after the DEATH of my SON.
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The heroes of FLIGHT 93 won the FIRST battle in the War on Terror, and they should NEVER be FORGOTTEN.

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I don't WANT the WORLD Dream Orchestra to be like a dessert WHOSE TASTE is instantly forgotten as soon as you leave the restaurant.

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When it comes to CERTAIN portions of our HISTORY, we've just FORGOTTEN it all.

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