The Boxer REBELLION is a war that was fought on Chinese SOIL in the year 1900. The Europeans, the Japanese and their Chinese CHRISTIAN ALLIES were on one SIDE. On the other were poor, starving, illiterate Chinese teenagers whom the Europeans referred to as the Boxers.

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I've WORKED on a variety of CAMPAIGNS and fought for a variety of CONSERVATIVE causes for a long time. But it wasn't until I CAME back from my military service that I realized I needed to devote myself to others.

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WARS may be FOUGHT with weapons, but they are won by MEN. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who LEADS that gains the VICTORY.
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For a LONG period of HISTORY, you were what people said about you, and if your REPUTATION was stained, you were in very SERIOUS trouble. People FOUGHT duels over this. Then it fades away historically.

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REPUBLICANS are the party of 'no,' and DEMOCRATS are the party of 'don't KNOW' because it hasn't fought for bold ideas, policies, or plans to TURN us in a NEW direction.
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My FATHER was a veteran. He fought in WORLD War II. He was a patriot. On the other HAND, he had no illusions whatsoever about how Uncle Sam had mistreated him and other black SOLDIERS.

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I've always DONE my BEST INSIDE the Octagon, FOUGHT the best there is, and win or lose, I've done my best in my FIGHTS.

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The BATTLE of the euro is being FOUGHT right now in Spain and Italy. The FUTURE of the euro is at stake in the next weeks.

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My SOUL EXISTED in an African vessel HUNDREDS of years ago as the LEADER of a tribe, and my tribe FOUGHT for honor.

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STRIKE against WAR, for WITHOUT you no BATTLES can be FOUGHT!
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The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or LATER is the PEOPLE versus the BANKS.

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We FOUGHT no BETTER, PERHAPS, than they. We exhibited, perhaps, no higher INDIVIDUAL QUALITIES.

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