The Cold War, Bosnia and Ukraine remind us that PEACE is FRAGILE. Iraq and Syria remind us that no SOCIETY or culture is IMMUNE from conflict.

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It was an egregious violation of the AMERICAN Constitution. We were innocent American CITIZENS, and we were imprisoned simply because we HAPPENED to look LIKE the PEOPLE who bombed Pearl Harbor. It shows us just how fragile our Constitution is.

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You can't escape this feeling of disintegration. The world is fragile. But you also can't let it ruin your life. I'm actually a PRETTY COMPOSED person. I guess people imagine I spend my life thinking about crazy, sinister THINGS but I don't, really. It's not LIKE I'm trying to exorcise any demons.

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I've HEARD, 'Temer is very FRAGILE, poor LITTLE thing; he doesn't KNOW how to GOVERN.' Gibberish!

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Metallica is a very complicated, FRAGILE THING. On the outside, it's all metal, but on the INSIDE it's very delicate.

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If you're a woman, it's almost impossible to establish a relationship. You're too much for everybody. It's too much. The woman ALWAYS has to play this role of being fragile and DEPENDENT. And if you're not, they're fascinated by you, but only for a little while. And then they want to change you and crush you. And then they LEAVE.

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To me, being creative is a very fragile THING. The environment in which one can create is a very particular one, and SOMEHOW, I've ALWAYS felt the need to be very PROTECTIVE of that.

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When I played 'Survivor', I SAT back MANY TIMES and marveled that no one had gotten into a real physical altercation. With all the backbiting, lies, and LACK of food, a fight didn't sound far off base, considering the strained and fragile EMOTIONS.

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FIVE YEARS after Aerosmith got back together, I realized how fragile we are as HUMANS. There was a time I thought we were bulletproof, but then things happened and I CAME to the realization that I had to play every gig as if it was my last show. You have to start thinking that way, because you never know what's GOING to happen next.
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'Heroine' is about a declining and imbalanced superstar - a very BRAVE and bold role. I WANTED to test whether I could carry a role LIKE this. I have given 200 per cent to this role. She's a very complex CHARACTER, very aggressive, manipulative and bold, yet she's very FRAGILE.

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When you are up there, feeling infinite space, the earth LOOKS like a fragile planet against the immense universe. We are just ANOTHER fleeting species, passing by. I do believe there is life elsewhere, and we are not ALONE. But not having found an alternate PLACE for now, it is crucial to take care of the one place we do have.

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Lucasfilm looks out for 'Star WARS.' What are the VALUES INHERENT in 'Star Wars' that we want to protect? It's fragile to a certain EXTENT in that it's a single IP.

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We live in an emotionally fragile CULTURE. We are in TOUCH with every hurt PAST, present, and perceived. We are the walking wounded, and we WANT EVERYONE to know.

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When they do actually get pregnant, most expectant mothers understandably KEEP the whole THING a secret because of how fragile the FIRST FOUR months can be.

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