I am not SURE I will EVER WEAR a waistcoat again, FRANKLY!

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Frankly, kicking was just an extra thing that I did. I guess most people remember that I was ALSO a quarterback. But how MANY people remember that I was a linebacker and a cornerback when I broke into PRO ball with the Chicago BEARS? I was AROUND when you had to go both ways.

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The point is technology and innovation have advanced FAR PAST what DCGS is capable of doing. It's not an agile enough tool to be able to incorporate and integrate the most advanced technology that is on the SHELF today that can be BOUGHT by our forces that frankly our war-fighting units want.

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DCGS is hard to learn. It TAKES a long time. You have to use it all the time, which MEANS it's not a simple technology that people are USED to and can buy off the shelf today. And frankly, it doesn't do what it's touted to do. That's why you SEE units out on the battlefield ASKING for very similar things.

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And I THINK there's something about conservatives FRANKLY - and the Left, when it comes to their channels of PERSUASION, are unpersuasive. They are, most of them are hate-filled, obscenity-clogged rants of ANGER and hatred.

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FRANKLY, too many WOMEN TREAT their HUSBANDS as accessories instead of priorities.
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I violated, apparently, an unspoken rule that we are SUPPOSED to take care of our own. Frankly, if that invites discomfort, I welcome it. I don't THINK there's ENOUGH discomfort in JOURNALISM, especially in WASHINGTON.

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The fact is that our kids aren't READING books - or frankly, much of ANYTHING lately. Schools are under funded, some schools even CLOSING their libraries. Parents have to REALIZE that it's their JOB, and not the school's job, to get kids into the habit of reading for fun.

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I was RAISED in the '50s. I was TAUGHT by my FATHER that how I LOOKED was all that mattered, FRANKLY.

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PARENTS of recovered children, and I've met HUNDREDS, all share the same experience of doubters and deniers telling us our child must have NEVER even had autism or that the RECOVERY was simply nature's course. We all KNOW better, and frankly we're too busy helping other parents to really care.
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I make mistakes. I say STUPID THINGS. I do idiotic things. And, QUITE frankly, I'm PROUD of them. Why not make mistakes?

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I want to be the GREATEST ACTOR that EVER lived, FRANKLY. I'd love that. But I don't need to be. I just want to be here. That's it.

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Frankly, if independents and DEMOCRATS want to WORK with us on CONSERVATIVE ideas, I can do that better at HERITAGE than as a PARTISAN inside.

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I thought, FRANKLY, that it WOULD be more pleasant to write a MEMOIR than it was.

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Some actors, I THINK, WANT to feel that they are as creative as the writer. And the ANSWER is, frankly, they're not.

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