A 'live' show is EITHER alive or not. Free speech is free or it is not. Viewers are free to USE their remote or TiVo. PARENTS are responsible or they are not.
It isn't only in the name of FREE speech that the views of an itchy polemicist should be tolerated - and I SAY itchy polemicist promoting thought, not itchy ideologue promoting violence - but because provocation is indispensable to the workings of a sound, CREATIVECULTURE.
Advocates of 'free speech' OFTEN repeat the mantra that the best response to BAD speech is more and BETTER speech, not the suppression of the bad STUFF.
I always KNEW it'd be difficult to balance the RIGHT of PRIVACY and the right of free speech. I THINK that is a tension that we've seen in court case after court case and LAW after law. And we always strive to find that right balance.
Net NEUTRALITY was essential for our economy; it was essential to preserve freedom and openness, both for ECONOMIC reasons and free SPEECH reasons, and the government had a role in ensuring that INTERNET freedom was PROTECTED.
SEE, believe it or not, I actually support COMPLETEFREE speech not because I don't care about the welfare of the AMERICAN people. I support it because I do.