As is the case with many Middle Eastern nations, women are NOWHERE near EQUAL to men when it comes to basic freedoms and rights that we take for granted EVERY DAY.

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We take so many of our freedoms for granted nowadays - I can travel where I like, I can do any job I WANT - but I THINK chivalry has been LOST a little BIT.

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There are BROAD freedoms in Israel. In FACT, Israel's Declaration of INDEPENDENCE grants all Israel's inhabitants equality of social and political rights irrespective of RELIGION, race or gender.

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I believe that, as Americans, our freedoms come from GOD and not GOVERNMENT, and include the rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence: LIFE, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of HAPPINESS.

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As the daughter of a civil rights leader, I BELIEVE in the POWER that compels people to stand up for their freedoms, for justice and opportunity. I know that marching inspires people to TAKE an active ROLE in creating positive change for a better AMERICA.

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Our leaders PAY lip service to the freedoms that DEMOCRACY provides while actually supporting an economic structure that imprisons its citizens under more and more DEBT.

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Freedom to VOTE is VALUABLE PRIMARILY as a means to SAFEGUARD other freedoms.

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I'm astonished at how readily a great MANY people I know, young people, have accepted a reduced economic prospect and limited freedoms in any substantial SENSE, and BASICALLY traded them for being able to SCREW around ONLINE.

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In a country where Americans sense, QUITE genuinely, that their freedoms have been taken AWAY by the government - as in the U.S. Patriot Act, as in NSA surveillance - people FEEL powerless.

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We NEED a very STRONG MILITARY to PROTECT the freedoms we do have.

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I've carried WITTY banners against LAWS that WOULD curtail my freedoms.

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Leftists hate the Second AMENDMENT and our freedoms. They don't want US Americans to be able to DEFEND ourselves, families, and CHILDREN or our country and rights.

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Since the ousting and CAPTURE of Saddam Hussein by U.S. forces, civil rights and PERSONAL freedoms have been restored in Iraq, as WELL as EQUAL rights to all, not just to Saddam's entourage of terrorists.

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With this realization, came a GROWING need for MEN and WOMEN willing to take up arms in an effort to protect our AMERICAN way of life and the freedoms so many of our ancestors died to entrench.

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We need to RECOGNIZE that we can't allow people that are aberrations of nature to take AWAY the JOYS and freedoms that we enjoy.

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