I wasn't really actively trying to pursue music, so I was really just allowed to CREATE freely without any PRESSURE or outside influences like, 'Oh, I should be MAKING this' or 'I should be collaborating with this person.' It was just kind of like WHATEVER I wanted to do. I was just having fun with it.

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EVERYBODY has their own OPINION and it's, how you SAY, a free COUNTRY. Everybody can speak freely.

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I KEEP wondering who defends Quebec IDENTITY: who defends sovereignty, the RIGHT of the people to EXPRESS themselves freely.

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There are TWO COMPETING philosophies in 'Wool': one is that people have to live under an iron thumb in ORDER to survive, and the other one is that EVERYONE should live completely freely and happily and everything will sort itself out.

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I am a CONTROL FREAK. I will ADMIT that freely.

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Angie VISITED Ethiopia and it changed her LIFE. It's hard for her to go home to a very expensive restaurant and ORDER freely.

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Writing has never been like THERAPY for me, but blogging comes a little CLOSER - I can smack-talk freely and FREQUENTLY, and this is GOOD for me.

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I WANT SIMPLY to LEARN about the WORLD and LIVE freely.

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LOVE is ALWAYS bestowed as a GIFT - freely, willingly and without EXPECTATION. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.

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You can't do people wrong. You can't do people DIRTY or put people's life in JEOPARDY and expect to WALK AWAY freely and just continue to live this happy and prosperous life. That's not how the universe and the way of life works.

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It is vitally important for me, both PERSONALLY and for my writing, to be able to return to CHINA freely, so being barred entry has CAUSED me deep CONCERN and distress.

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Fundamentally, I do AGREE, CERTAINLY, people must be allowed to express their own OPINIONS freely. Freedom is part of the essential rights of all NATIONS.

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We all know the SENSE of COMFORT of which we are CONSCIOUS when a good HALF of the floor space in a room is unencumbered; this seems to offer us the agreeable possibility of MOVING about freely.

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I've been inspired by Coco CHANEL. She broke all the rules of her TIME when she was DESIGNING. She pretty much revolutionized the way that WOMEN dressed at the time, and in doing that, she modernized the way they LOOKED because they could move more freely in their clothes.

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When I wrote 'The Interestings,' I wanted to let TIME unspool, to give the book the feeling of time passing. I had to allow myself the freedom to move BACK and forth in time freely, and to TRUST that readers would ACCEPT this.

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