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I'm GRATEFUL that so many viewers have RELATED to characters I've PLAYED. I think many in the audience see themselves in my characters or FEEL LIKE the characters are similar to their friends or sisters.

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Two persons cannot LONG be friends if they cannot FORGIVE each other's LITTLE failings.

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Now most people do not want an ordinary LIFE in which they do a job well, earn the respect of their collaborators and competitors, BRING up a family and have FRIENDS. That's not ENOUGH any more, and I think that is absolutely tragic - and I'm not exaggerating - that people FEEL like a decent, ordinary, fun life is no longer enough.

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I'm a Navy brat. You find that a LOT of STAGE actors are ARMY or Navy brats, because they have the ability to make a BIG impression, make friends, and then leave just a few MONTHS later.

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I am DELIGHTED to have had students, FRIENDS and colleagues in so MANY nations and to have LEARNED so much of what I know from them. This Nobel AWARD honours them all.

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I'm lucky to have a great support SYSTEM in my FRIENDS and some of my family. If you have those people that you TRUST, GO ahead and fall back into them and let them be your hammock and cocoon and let them EMBRACE you.

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I was 15 when Hugo Chavez came to power in 1998. At the time, I lived in Vargas STATE, which borders the Caribbean. In 1999, torrential rains caused FLASH floods that LEFT THOUSANDS of people dead. I lost several friends, and my SCHOOL was buried in the mudslide. The importance of resilience has been etched into my soul ever since.

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FRIENDS are the BEST to TURN to when you're having a ROUGH DAY.
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It's NICE to just be a KID and HANG out with your FRIENDS at LUNCH.

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My FRIENDS CALL me Keith, but you can call me JOHN.

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I don't want enemies. I want friends, and I want them in all SHAPES, sizes, and COLORS, and LOVING whoever they want to.

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I'm a really nice guy when you meet me, and that surprises a LOT of people. I'm not that eccentric in real LIFE - and certainly not that disrespectful. In my own time, I LIKE to just chill out with friends and not GET in people's faces.

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'Outlander' is filmed mostly AROUND Glasgow and the central belt of Scotland, so it's lovely for me because I get to go up and spend time in the place that I lived for three YEARS. I've got a bunch of friends in the CAST because a lot of them studied at the same COLLEGE as I did, and I get to see my family, most of whom now live in Scotland.

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If I GET married in the future, I WANT to have a relationship LIKE FRIENDS with my other half. It'd be best if we can communicate often.

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