There's a science to ordering POTATOES. Are they skinny shoestring or big, fat STEAK fries? You just have to let your taste BUDS guide you when deciding what to eat.

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I LOVE cheeseburgers; I love FRIES, CHEESE curds, the LIST GOES on.

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UNDOUBTEDLY, church FISH fries and picnics help BUILD social cohesion. It was at my DAD's medium-size evangelical church - my first real exposure to a sustained religious COMMUNITY - that I first saw people of different races and classes worshiping together.

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People take SECRET PICTURES of me... it FRIES my BRAIN. I'm just a bloke, Just come and talk to me, I'd love to talk to you.

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It is no small thing for an American to be able to GO into a fast-food RESTAURANT and to buy a double cheeseburger, fries, and a LARGE Coke for a price equal to less than an hour of labor at the minimum wage - INDEED, in the long sweep of history, this represents a remarkable achievement.

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When I was a kid, we would GET McDonalds on CHRISTMAS Eve, and that was a big deal because the closest one to the SOUTH side of Chicago was a 35 minute DRIVE away. I remember opening the bag and smelling those fries, and even now when I SMELL them, it reminds me of Christmas Eve.

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When I moved to Paris at 16, I held a dinner party in my first APARTMENT and SERVED only red wine, French fries, and mashed potatoes. UNABLE to cook, I relied on people TAKING me out.

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I like to talk about my OBSESSION with FRENCH fries because I don't want people to think that 'Let's MOVE' is about complete, UTTER deprivation. It's about moderation and real-life CHANGES and ideas that really work for families.

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My kids are NORMAL. If they COULD eat burgers and fries and ice cream EVERY day, they would. And so would I. But that doesn't SUSTAIN us.

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I'm not the healthiest eater, but I try to watch what I EAT during the WEEK. I kind of splurge on the weekends and eat FRENCH fries and pizza.

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My sisters started to cook at nine and, being one of the YOUNGEST, I wanted in on it, too, so I began at SIX on potato-peeling duty as FRENCH FRIES were my thing.

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I'll TELL you one big MISCONCEPTION. Cops never say 'Freeze!' It might be misinterpreted. They might think you were, LIKE, ordering FRIES. Or that you had fleas.

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I WOULD love to eat my body weight in chocolate chip COOKIES, french fries, and peanut BUTTER, but I don't. I choose not to. That's on me, just LIKE it's on me if I choose to do it.

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I make sure I eat well without depriving myself of the things that I love: a cheeseburger and FRIES, creamy white-truffle pasta, bowls of ice cream. EVERYTHING in moderation, but I INDULGE at least THREE TIMES a week.

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Cooking for my son is a challenge. I have to feed him right. He can't EAT FRENCH fries and CANDY EVERY day.

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