With IMPROV or a FULL length play - you know how you go to a theater, and after 10 minutes you say, 'Oh, I don't like this thing,' but you don't want to get up and LEAVE? At a sketch show, it's ALWAYS something NEW every few minutes.

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LIFE is not a bowl FULL of cherries, there's good and BAD STUFF.
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I mean, in 'Big' and 'Pleasantville,' it's a journey that the characters go on where I think they come to kind of meet themselves at the end and who they ACTUALLY are and give full voice to who they actually are. And that, you KNOW, OBVIOUSLY fascinates me for some reason. MAYBE I didn't adequately GROW up.

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I was at the Apollo Theater all the TIME, skipping SCHOOL, and I worked in a barbershop. That's how I started with doo-wop. Now I've come full CIRCLE. I did all kinds of music. I used to WORK on Broadway and Tin PAN Alley.

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I FELT ashamed for what I had done. I don't have any excuses. I did what I did. I take full responsibility for myself and my actions. I wouldn't pawn this off on anybody. I'm SORRY it HAPPENED. And I HURT people.

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NATURE is full of DRAMA. I know nothing about biology, about birds, about INSECTS, about the details of POLITICS. I just make movies about human interest STORIES.
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In a recent DECISION of the Supreme COURT, not MADE, however, by the full court, and concurred in by only four justices, it was held that the seller of a patented mimeograph could BIND the purchaser to use only his ink in the machine, though the ink was not patented.

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YOUNG people can be ANNOYING, let's FACE it. But they can also be really refreshing to be AROUND and full of ENTHUSIASM.
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I don't SEE the desert as barren at all; I see it as full and ripe. It doesn't need to be flattered with RAIN. It CERTAINLY needs rain, but it does with what it has, and CREATES amazing BEAUTY.

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Being under the POLITICAL spotlight is FAR different than anything I'd experienced before. Every WORD is a critical word. Sometimes you really aren't allowed to get your full THOUGHT out. A lot of it is about having a 30-second sound bite.

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Part of success is having a good story, and as a journalist, I totally understand. But it meant that my MANY, many years of focus and hard work got kind of prepackaged into a CINDERELLA story. I'm super grateful that it HAPPENED, but it LEFT me feeling like I never got to be a full human in the EXPERIENCE.

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LIFE is full of trials and tribulations. It's dramatic when you don't TREAT people right when you're in the tribulations, but I KNOW now how to get out of it. You have to make a DECISION to say 'No more', and then you know what to do when the trials happen.
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Life is FULL of confusion. Confusion of love, passion, and romance. Confusion of family and FRIENDS. Confusion with life itself. What path we TAKE, what turns we MAKE. How we roll our dice.

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