In two-parent households, women have INCREASINGLY ENTERED the WORKPLACE, and in single-parent households, there is even more of a need for the adults to work. That MEANS parents do not fully control their own schedule and have to scramble to FIND high-quality after-school options.

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I'd fully taken the road MANY people start on, but most ABANDON: COMMON sense had given me a miss, and I'd BECOME an ARTIST.

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If you don't know how to DIE, don't WORRY; NATURE will tell you what to do on the spot, fully and adequately. She will do this JOB perfectly for you; don't BOTHER your head about it.

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MAN is fully RESPONSIBLE for his NATURE and his CHOICES.
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The American PEOPLE are so MUCH stronger, so much more RESOLVED than any ENEMY can fully UNDERSTAND.

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I'm not GOING to allow myself to second-guess PROJECTS. I'm just going to do the ONES that I fully LOVE and believe in - that's a REAL privilege.

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No one has EVER LEARNED fully to KNOW themselves.

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I always SAY to people that you have NEVER seen the best of me, and that's what I MEAN - I've never been fully FIT.

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If you WANT to become fully MATURE in the LORD, you must learn to love truth. Otherwise, you will always leave open a door of DECEPTION for the enemy to take what is MEANT to be yours.

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In a higher phase of communist society... only then can the narrow horizon of BOURGEOIS RIGHT be fully LEFT behind and society inscribe on its banners: from each according to his ability, to each according to his NEEDS.

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As a gymnast, I've always compartmentalized my life, which is a blessing and a CURSE. But over TIME, I've LEARNED that my sport doesn't fully define me, and I think that's where a lot of the JOY in my routines comes from now: I'm not compartmentalizing as much, and I KNOW who I am beyond my sport.

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If we can't face our losses, we can't be present EITHER fully to everything that is. When people have cut off or not MADE PEACE with some part of themselves, they miss out on other ASPECTS of life.

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If you do not MILK the COW fully, it FALLS SICK.

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I GREW up very AMERICAN but ALSO fully ASIAN.

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I don't THINK you can fully CALL yourself a VEGAN if you WEAR leathers.

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