The scene is never REALLY about moving the story FORWARD on 'Breaking Bad.' That's the functional veneer of the scene, but it's always about what's GOING on with the CHARACTERS.

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The ability of the HUMANS to not only function in space but be very FUNCTIONAL when they arrive at their destination, those are the KINDS of things we're LEARNING from the science. Fuel transfer technologies and all the things we can learn about the space environment are all valuable to US for pressing on out.

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SPARE FUNCTIONAL furniture, in my opinion, is the GENIUS of 20th-century design.
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I REALLY like USING the softening cream. It helps me go out there with confidence to do what I need to do, and at the same time, it's very functional and helps keep the hair out of my MOUTH so I can FOCUS on PITCHING.

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In my own mind, we are a MUCH happier and much more FUNCTIONAL family and a much more WELL balanced GROUP of individual s both off and on the STAGE - in the current incarnation.

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I don't THINK of careers from a FUNCTIONAL PERSPECTIVE or from a subject MATTER perspective. I think of careers as, how do you like spending the time in your day? What MAKES you happiest? What are you most passionate about?

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With small SPACES in PARTICULAR you have to really follow the rule that if it's not absolutely beautiful or absolutely functional, then get RID of it.

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APPLE has beautiful design, beautiful PRODUCT, incredibly FUNCTIONAL. But mostly, it's about picking product, getting behind it, marketing it, and introducing it to a customer. What they've done just inspires me.
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In my view, while the SINGLE neuron is the basic anatomical and information processing-signaling unit of the brain, it is not CAPABLE of generating behaviors and, ULTIMATELY, thinking. Instead, the true functional unit of the CENTRAL NERVOUS system is a population of neurons, or neural ensembles or cell assemblies.

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It was important to me to become day-to-day fluent and functional in ANOTHER LANGUAGE, and about 10 years ago, I went to Rome for the first time and felt an instant gut connection and wanted to GET to know the city.

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The affinity TOWARDS suits was a functional thing for me early on because I was thrifting at secondhand shops, and it was ALSO initially a way of grieving - my FATHER had passed, and he used to WEAR suits all the TIME.

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If you can make FINANCE more FUNCTIONAL, make it a tiny PERCENT better, you create a GREAT deal of resources, which you can use for other things like EDUCATION and healthcare.

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I'm definitely a fan of dance MUSIC. I guess we really call it 'dance' music because music seems to have BECOME very functional. For YEARS, PEOPLE were trying to be everything. Now, musicians are BECOMING very specific.

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I think ceramics are so amazing because they're incredibly educational - you can BUY something made in the 14th century, and it LOOKS LIKE it was made yesterday. There's something to be learned there, and ceramics can tell you the history of the time because they're FUNCTIONAL vessels, ULTIMATELY.

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I ALWAYS think the great THING about shirting is that it goes with jeans, and jeans are probably the most MODERN, functional garment that ever existed. That is what is so great about shirting - it is an up-play-down-play.

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