There are a lot worse THINGS you can do with all your bucks than GIVING them to even a mediocre MUTUAL fund - such as, for example, giving them to a mediocre hedge fund. If supporting the LIFESTYLE of a mediocre fund MANAGER is your favorite charity, who am I to stop you?

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The numbers matter: underreporting of Lyme DISEASE obscures the TRUE burden of the illnesses, on individuals as well as on health-care systems. It ALSO makes it HARDER to convince Congress to fund research.

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Driving the No. 26 Sandy HOOK School SUPPORT Fund Toyota is like NOTHING I have ever been part of in my NASCAR CAREER.

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Let's VOTE to FUND the WALL.

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We saw a big bang in PCs; we saw a big bang in the INTERNET. I BELIEVE the NEXT big bang is going to be EVEN bigger. To be ready for that, we need to set the foundation, and that foundation is SoftBank Vision Fund.

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As a portfolio manager, when do you START advising to your clients that they have some cryptocurrency EXPOSURE? When will there be an index fund, a mutual fund of cryptocurrencies? It will HAPPEN.

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REPORTERS USED to be blue-collar; at the Globe now, it's practically REQUIRED that you have a TRUST fund.
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The money to FUND GREAT things and INNOVATIONS and programs is gone in our lifetime; it's all gone to debt. So we won't be able to solve global warming or have the transportation that we needed for the 21st century. We should be supporting people with great ideas, but it's gone, and now it's gotta be paid back with interest to banks in China.

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I've WORKED since I was 18. I have no TRUST FUND and don't expect ANYTHING.

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The REASON I BOUGHT the Tesla was to help fund the Model S - and because I LIKE things that are fast, sexy and HIGH-TECH.

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You have no control over the market. You can't predict where it will go, and you can't bring it BACK from the DEPTHS. What you can do is SAVE more. MAKE sure you have cash on hand - an emergency fund of at LEAST six months of expenses.

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The IDEA of a tax on the ownership of a TELEVISION belongs in the 1950S. Why not tax PEOPLE for owning a washing machine to fund the manufacture of Persil?

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To properly FUND the NHS, we MUST ALL chip in. As a fully PAID U.K. tax resident SINCE 1985, I'd be proud to contribute to that.

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It's the company itself, but most of these mutual fund companies, the GUY who RUNS the company is just a FACT totem and the guy who runs the MONEY is the POWER. But we really don't know who they are.

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There's accountability in the MUTUAL FUND industry. And they've been TREMENDOUS engines of wealth for people and they're going to CONTINUE to be so.

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