When it comes to the RECORDING and writing, it's STILL mostly Mickey and I. But now there's this WHOLE live entity that's a whole DIFFERENT thing, and it seems to be where we're gaining the most popularity.

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OPEN political and economic SYSTEMS have been gaining ground and there's a good reason for it. They WORK BETTER.
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CREATING my own WORLD in a comic or selling my first penny newspaper aged nine was a WAY of gaining RECOGNITION and ACCEPTANCE by my peers.
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As LONG as I can STAY NORTH or SOUTH, I'm gaining yards.

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It feels GREAT to know that more PEOPLE are finding work and gaining the experience, not to MENTION SELF-CONFIDENCE, that they need.

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Intelligence COLLECTION is not confined to the communications of adversaries or of the GUILTY. Rather, it's about gaining information otherwise unavailable that would help keep Americans SAFE and FREE.

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Are we, as humans, gaining any insight on how to talk about ourselves and how something as abstract as a Charlie Parker record gets us into a dialogue about our emotions and our thoughts? Sometimes we lose SIGHT that the MUSIC has a WIDER context. So I want to continue those dialogues. Those are the THINGS I want to foster.

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Consumers value their personal time and are loyal to those companies that MAKE their lives more productive. Brands gaining some of the BIGGEST successes in SOCIAL media are engaging with MILLIONS of consumers through value exchange.

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I believe the green MOVEMENT is gaining MOMENTUM because PEOPLE are becoming more educated about the real IMPORTANCE of living green.

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If you ELIMINATE the JUNK FOOD, you don't REALLY run the risk of gaining weight if you've got a good workout routine.

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HUMOR is richly rewarding to the PERSON who employs it. It has some VALUE in gaining and HOLDING attention, but it has no persuasive value at all.
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I have a way of opening up people and gaining their trust. I THINK they can see my VULNERABILITY because I'm unafraid to admit if SOMETHING doesn't QUITE work.

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That's what TOURNAMENT FOOTBALL's all about. It's about finding your FEET in the first GAME, finding what works, and gaining confidence.

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I feel Dress for Success is basically about empowering women who were in a disadvantaged situation. The act of wearing a suit when she's WALKING in the DOOR, it's so powerful - it's about gaining CONTROL of their lives and situations.

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