Gamer humor ranges all over the place. What it comes down to is taking a lot of what we SEE in gaming and we're FAMILIAR with in gaming and being like, 'OK, hold on, let's re-examine this for a SECOND. Isn't this funny? Isn't this strange? Isn't this a LITTLE bit RIDICULOUS?' That's where it is.

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One of the things I am most excited about personally is a five-issue anthology I PUT TOGETHER, 'Legends of Red Sonja,' which is full of wonderful little SHORT stories written exclusively by my favorite FEMALE WRITERS of comics, prose, and gaming.

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Renewables need to be DEVELOPED in an ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE way. And, you know, I FRANKLY have heard criticisms from even environmentalists saying that some wind farms impact gaming and fishing PATTERNS, whether it's offshore or onshore.

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I WATCH NFL football on Sundays. I enjoy gaming with friends, meaning role-playing GAMES; I still enjoy GOING to conventions and traveling.

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The idea of the 'lone gamer' is REALLY not true anymore. Up to 65 percent of gaming now is social, played either ONLINE or in the same room with PEOPLE we know in REAL LIFE.

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Our product, our brand of wrestling fits a videogame better than any other form of wrestling. From our X-Division to our signature matches, just the whole gaming NATION, a whole generation of people out there are going to experience TNA for the first TIME, so we're REALLY looking to do some creative, innovative things with our GAME.

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GAMING NOTEBOOKS aren't that abundant. Not that MANY gamers are ABLE to play on notebooks.

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New video gaming systems are coming out that track every joint of your body. It's BASICALLY going to become a NORMAL thing for us to ALLOW Microsoft to put a three-dimensional camera on top of your television SET looking at you, which sounds like a Big Brother scenario if ever I heard one, but, still, it's what we're going to allow.

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If I can find time to play games, it's console GAMING. I don't want to be plugged into my PHONE all the time. I'm waiting for the new Mario Kart to COME out, but I've been PLAYING Donkey Kong and Mario 3D World on the Wii U.

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The GAMING EXPERIENCE on WINDOWS Vista is GOING to go beyond any of the gaming consoles and ANYTHING that's been done before.

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High-end BREW PHONES aren't nearly as limited a gaming platform as you MIGHT think - they are a LOT more powerful than an ORIGINAL Play Station, for example. Java phones, HOWEVER, are saddled with a huge disadvantage for gaming.

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Where the GAMING world is going - and CERTAINLY Activision PROVED it by hiring me - is being willing to push and bend and MOVE in a new direction of actually capturing the character and STORYTELLING.

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LIFE has changed SINCE my kids. I LOVE visiting gaming parlors and playing with them for hours on end.

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Getting to play with your friends and trash talk. That's some of the BEST PARTS of GAMING for me. It's like having recess in ELEMENTARY school.

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One of the cool things we're SEEING at TaskRabbit is local tech and gaming startups hiring TaskRabbits to TEST their products and deliver immediate user feedback. As the founder of a tech startup, I can TELL you that this TYPE of focus group testing is paramount - and usually REALLY pricey and difficult to coordinate.

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