The recording companies are continuing to look at WAYS to buy short and sell long. So now they give recording DEALS to groups of people who we refer to as 'garage bands' - they are amateurs who are bought for NOTHING and it's really a SHAME.

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You can TELL the DIFFERENCE between SONGS that were CREATED in a garage and songs that were created in the STUDIO.

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We don't have the capability today to put a HUMAN being in SPACE of any kind, shape or form, which is absolutely, TOTALLY unacceptable when we got the greatest flying machine in the WORLD sitting down at Kennedy in a garage there with nothing to do.

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The FIRST sign of REAL obsession with MUSIC was with an old wind-up gramophone that mum had thrown out into the garage. My parents gave me three old 45s - two Supremes records and one Tom Jones RECORD - and I used to come home from school literally every day, go out to the garage, wind this THING up, and play them.

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It's hard because there's a little BIT of PTSD from when you're a struggling actor, working at a RESTAURANT or living in a garage. There's a little bit of an inherent knee-jerk reaction to say, 'Yes, yes, yes, PLEASE just give me a job.'

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It's been said that I formed The Wallflowers to hide my name but, really, I've ALWAYS wanted to be in a band - RIGHT from the day my FRIENDS and I soundproofed a garage with bed-covers for our first REHEARSAL.

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When I was about 17 or 18, I WOULD GO through my boy's garage and they had a LITTLE STUDIO set up. I would just play around there.

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To be clear, I'm not opposed to apps; I just want them to be GEARED to my lifestyle. I don't need a virtual NASCAR RACING app, but I'd CERTAINLY appreciate one that STOPPED my husband from plowing into the lawnmower every time he pulls into the garage.

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I demo all of my songs on Garage Band, where I PRETTY much play everything - not very WELL, but I manage to HAMMER out a drum beat and a BASS idea.

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I remember my father banging away on an IBM Selectric in the garage. He wrote his FIRST NOVELS on that MACHINE. I remember its pebbly surface, its cold heft. It made its mark, LITERALLY and violently.

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When you're trying to recruit a senior PRODUCT manager from Hewlett-Packard, he doesn't WANT to WORK in a garage.

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I want my PAINTINGS to look LIKE they were found in a garage. If they GET a SCRATCH or a hole in them, it just BECOMES part of the painting.

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We STARTED the band when I was about 19 or 20. At that age, it would have been kind of hard to IMAGINE a lot of the stuff that I've written. We were PLAYING garage rock. I wanted to dash out THREE chords and scream. But if you do that for 20 years, what's the point?

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If you go BACK and listen to the album 'Name' was on, there were a LOT of garage SONGS on it.

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I think when you GET interested in antiques, the most frustrating thing is that books don't have ENOUGH photos. When you go to a flea market or garage SALE, you see LOTS of things you've never seen before and you have no IDEA what the price is going to be or should be.

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