If the whole of mankind is to be united into one BROTHERHOOD, all OBSTACLES must be removed so that men, all over the surface of the GLOBE, should be as children playing in a garden.
Read MoreI'm in this absolutely gorgeous manor house with acres of quite BEAUTIFUL countryside. I've got trout in the RIVER, an ORGANIC vegetable garden, I've got my work 40 yards from my HOME. I don't MIND being criticised, but where are they criticising from? Which hut are they criticising me from, exactly?
Read MoreI used to delay doing stuff that I just didn't want to deal with - things like putting the GARDEN hose away properly or doing the dishes right after dinner. Now I have this little VOICE in my head that SAYS, 'I know you don't want to do this, but just do it anyway.' In other words, there's far less stuff that I put off until TOMORROW.
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